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  1. Yesterday morning I got off the flybe flight to Gatwick and who should be sat at the gate waiting to get on but Derek Llambias and he was reading the SUN! I thought about vaulting the barrier and lamping him but there was a copper with a gun nearby. Now I think it was worth taking the bullet......
  2. And we will fight for ever more because of New Years Day, it's a Mackem song!!!!
  3. One of the two goals Beardo scored against Portsmouth in 1983/84 season, it was lashing down pitch was attrocious he dribbled past a defender took the ball round the keeper then dragged the ball back to avoid a defender sliding in with a last ditch tackle he stood on the six yard line waited for him to slide past then walked the ball into the net, pure class. They must show this on the TV before the match tomorrow, if not it is on you tube if you look hard enough.
  4. fatcol

    Kieron Dyer

    Nor will there be it's just a rumour from various sources but it certainly makes sense. I'm just pleased he's off and the last of the joung guns crowd who brought us down with the antics, behaviour and lack of any consistant perfomance on the pitch. The new set up need applauding.
  5. fatcol

    Kieron Dyer

    The loyalty bonus was the reason Mort was so upset with Magnus Magnusson spouting off that we were the ones to blame when it was the players agent... Anyway totally agree best shot of him, plus we got a cracking deal. Be interesting to see how many games he plays for West Ham though.
  6. fatcol

    Kieron Dyer

    sorry if this has already been mentioned in this thread but apparantley the reason why the deal fell through in the first place was that Dyer's agent had demanded a £2M "loyalty" bonus from the club as Dyer hadn't put in a transfer request! Needless to say the board wern't happy about this and said to West Ham if you want him you pay it in the same way we did with Joey Barton. Funny how the new deal appears to be £7M with a further £1M after appearances, it would be interesting to see if the extra money is going to the player, who after all deserves it! Plus if he'ed stayed till the end of his current contract he would be due a testomonial!
  7. like everyone else over the moon with an away win on the first dat of the season, as we average about 3 away wins all season this is a fantastic start. Couple of further signings and every one fit giving Big Sam a selection headache.... most positive i've felt on the opening day for many years. :celb: :celb:
  8. I'm watching on Star Sports via TVU good stream at the moment
  9. fatcol

    Michael Chopra

    Just posted the same on the do you want sland to stay up thread. Pleased for the lad but gutted the b******s have won!
  10. Chopra ffs quality finish but cant stand to see those monkey,s enjoying themselves I'd rather they ended up in the northern league, derbies are too much of a lottery!
  11. I drove past Andy Carroll on the Tyne Bridge the other day. He was driving a top of the range range rover with a personalised plate. I know footballers are overpaid ffs, but a £70K car for a 19 year old reserve/junior player not even on the brink of breaking into the first team. didnt Robbie Fowler have an old escort when he was first picked for England! Anyway a long loan should make or break him.
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