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Everything posted by ChrisJbarnes

  1. this whole debate is getting a bit boring. does anyone fancy a debate over whether the old board or new board is better?
  2. im now thinking its a possibility, but we still have the quality to survive. weve been utter shite this season, and theres still 4 teams below us! our goal difference is -5, but sunderlands blackburns and west borms are -12,-14,-16 respectively! i understand being worried but in the end i think quality will prevail
  3. if we win and man city lose, we go above them!
  4. fulham 1-1 man city benjani and bullard. fulham are impressing me. they are the 2nd best team in britain after us! (Gillingham are 3rd)
  5. the whole big club small club doesnt mean fuck all iyam. fulham are a tiny club yet are 9th in the league having beaten us. pompey are a small club who have been challenging top 6 for last few seasons. leeds are a big club in league 1. we are big in that we have money, support and people do care about our fate. it all means fuck all when we do shite though.
  6. Spurs are going to bloody win it again arent they i cant see blackburn causing an upset at OT, so most likely spurs and man united will join burnley and derby. i wouldnt mind that much if spurs won it, rather that than man united anyway.
  7. this is getting a bit far! people are actually stalking nile ranger and posting the results for all to see!
  8. martins coming off the bench?
  9. and how has it backfired exactly? Signed for free, been available for nearly every game, played quite well and has now got a minor hamstring injury. Oh noes. Anyway, delighted with our performance on Sunday. Surprised how well we did. Totally bossed the midfield with Arteta playing the holding role to give us a balanced midfield for the first time this season and a first good game from him too. We were on top until we scored and then sat back to see out the game. Spurs put us under some pressure in the last 20mins but nothing too convincing. Jags is just immense . how would you say fellaini is for you? thinking of putting him in fantasy league team. only costs 6.5
  10. this season is arguably the most likely but i dont see it happening. kinnear is turning us into a bolton like team which will languish at about 14/15th. im not at all worried about relegation. bizarre that after all the time allardyce had playing hoof it football, he never got it right, but kinnear has pretty much got there already, and is doing it very well considering.
  11. 1-0 to us or 0-0 to be honest. either that or 5-4
  12. come on people, bear in mind here that before this season, wed never lost to hull in the premier league!
  13. any change in the opinion on this one now after things seem to have died down a bit?
  14. you only sing when your rowing- west ham to fulham after oxford/cambridge boat raace
  15. these at west ham were great! "we cant see you sneaking out" sung at some lower league ground when the lights went out man u- "cheer up ameobi, how hard can it be to be a single celled organism in a shite football team"
  16. how anyone can say kinnear has done a bad job is beyond me. lets all have a look at hughtons record as caretaker shall we? and how long did it take keegan to win a game after allardyce was sacked and all the confidence was rockbottom? people point out the defeat at fulham, but lets bear in mind they have lost 1 home game, drawn 1 and won the rest! they are 9th for fucks sake. we should think ourselves lucky that they have found this guy, and that he is putting heart and soul into it, because otherwise noone would take the job and wed have hughton in charge for the whole season. hughton in charge wed be relegated, but kinnear has completely turned things round.
  17. alththough west hams was their first game with a new manager, and for us sunderland upped their game for obvious reasons. bad but well never go down
  18. agreed, but 0-0 today was excellent so ill let it slide for the moment
  19. it has salomon kalou 93rd minute handball from an offside position after lampard dives to get a freekick
  20. its ok people, ive put anelka as my fantasy league captain. that means hes certain not to play
  21. nile ranger does not sleep, he waits nile ranger secretly sleeps with every woman in the world once a month. they bleed for a week as a result. nile ranger does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. nile ranger goes killing. etc.etc.
  22. ChrisJbarnes

    Away Support

    to be honest, not coming from the Northeast, im not going to begrudge sunderland supporters much, other than the fact that on some messageboard, a few were twats and one was taking the piss out of SBR's cancer. but every team has a few of them and fair play to them if they are going to get a decent crowd at a place like fulham (as did we) . tbh if theyve only beaten NUFC once at home in 28 years, if it makes them happy they can do what they like. just give those a pat on the back and a biscuit.
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