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Everything posted by ChrisJbarnes

  1. ask a fulham fan, and theyll say bullard has been underperforming recently. johnson though got 2 goals in his last game, and is in good form. on reflection, its their general attacking momentum which is quite good, although they will probably struggle to stick it in the back of the net, whereas their defence is terrible, which we can exploit.
  2. really? maybe optimistic thinking, but i was reckoning on an entertaining encounter, as fulham play good stuff at home, and we are in good form.
  3. ChrisJbarnes

    Crowd Size

    NUFC and LFC aside, in my opinion the "best fans" award, and all that bollocks could never go to anyone who watches premiership football in state of the art stadia. think of people who are in the bottom of league 2, or the ryman league or whatever, who travel up and down the country and watch awful teams in shitholes when its pissing down all day.
  4. any takers for 17th after this result? certainly not!
  5. fulham wont go down, as we will see on sunday. they are better than you think at home. bear in mind a win against villa puts us 14th, so its hardly as if we are "doomed to the championship"
  6. sorry to piss on anyones fires, but is another thread slagging off one of our players really a good idea?
  7. It is but come seconds before kick off I will be looking at our players who can hurt them, that is what gives me hope so youll be supplying joey barton with a cigar before the game?
  8. 1) it would have to be Ranger, after winning us the league, scoring the equalisre and winning the golden boot. 2) Victor Moses, because he will be a good player 3) We'd have to have beaten Man United, or maybe Barnsley 4) Ameobi was sent off Now, give me my free away ticket
  9. no it can't yes it can. can it? can it really?
  10. why wouldnt it be? The possibility of match fixing. The possibility of match fixing would be no different whether he was his brother or not to be honest. i tend to agree, i mean you might as well ban ashley from buying a club because he was mates with the spurs owners
  11. haha there truly is with nufc only 2 levels you can be. either: ruler of the high heavens, or hated beyond belief.
  12. i think we should change the title of the thread to "NUFC sold to man city owners brother- official (according to 3 sources)
  13. ...whilst shitting all over the mackem twats
  14. permananent, no thanks. but, im much less hurried to get the new board in when we were losing under hughton. what i will say is, even when we do get them in, ill be hoping they take their time to appoint the new manager, rather than appointing someone straight away. if the takeover doesnt happen until the end of the season, ill have confidence in results. actually that rasies a point: if the takeover didnt happen until the end of the season, and kinnear won us the FA cup, what do you think (and want) would happen?
  15. the first article on official website curently reads: "gutierrez has tynewear derby firmly within his sights"
  16. riera. hope zaki jews them in the 90th minute
  17. cant believe 3 premiership games are still goalless
  18. warning- bit sick, texted to me by a mate. theyve found another week of Elizabeth Fritzl's diary. Wednesday: stayed in, dad came down and raped me. Thursday: stayed in, got raped by dad. Friday: stayed in, got a right arse pounding from my dad. Saturday: Went to watch spurs play, wish id stayed in.
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