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Everything posted by ChrisJbarnes

  1. i only attend the london away games, but yes i always look forward to them no matter how bad we are. instead this season though i might boycott chelsea and go to villa instead. if (which we wont) we get relegated, i will watch us at whichever teams are near my uni. ill also hope to go to a few home games!
  2. the thing is, i dont think any of us know enough about the football clubs finances, the market in general and the economic climate in order to make a judgement on how much the club is worth, only being fans
  3. Sounds like he is indeed as straight as a banana.
  4. wank. i was really enjoying some of these results, now there all turned round!
  5. Well maybe on both counts. But if you look at the Villa squad, I don't think it's better than ours. O'Neill just has the ability to get an extra 10% out of all his players. The sign of a good manager is someone who can overachieve on the resources that are available to him. I don't think Keegan has ever shown that. When it comes to over-selling himself, he's up there with the best though. i dont think our squad is stronger than villas- maybe several players from our starting 11, but our squad is terribly thin, and the fact that we have a few injuries and we are playing edgar who is shite speaks volumes. personally, not many players of villas that arent better than our first choice in each position, apart from given, beye, owen, and maybe martins and nzogbia on their day.
  6. liverpool as well :-[ sky sports say boros was a 30 yard volley from adam johnson!
  7. but then again, dont forget villa were average in their first season under MON, and had that been us he may well have got the sack. also, probably man city will finish above villa next season.
  8. let me be the first to say: sunderland 0-1 northampton town
  9. id go for the watford west ham, or if i had the choice, one most likely to cause an upset. so tonight burnley v fulham, and most other rounds, anyone containing us!
  10. im not sure anyone else would touch the job with a bargepole, and those who would, we shouldnt touch them with this aforementioned bargepole. id have keegan over bruce, poyet et al. shearer would be an interesting appointment
  11. no, we are complaining about the situation ahead of it. And thats because we can see it . Blind optimism is what you are talking about, rather than reality. whilst i agree that people do foresee stuff happening, i do thikn that people (and im not implying this is you because i havent read most of the thread) do need to get a grip if they seriously think we are down already, coffin nailed, deed signed and sealed etc, because if we get a win against blackburn i reckon itll be a completely different kettle of fish
  12. will some of you liven the fuck up!!!? spurs havent won once this season, half of their amazing new players look shite and our current manager has worked there so must know all the secrets. we will have martins back. you cant write off a game this early with pretty much no grounds to do so whatsoever
  13. i dont think anyone wants to see us relegated but i get what rebelyell means when (s)he says. some people are a bit eager to write us off before a game, and then complain about the situation afterwards
  14. i agree, i dont think we can say we are automatically down, its just ridiculous. against west ham, we were bloody terrible for 60 minutes, but after we got 1 back, it did look like we were going to get a second for a while. lacking many players helped to lose that match. add beye and enrique into the starting 11, and our defence would have been a lot less shaky. add martins and jonas and guthrie and the midfield looks a lot better. anyone saying we are down needs to have a word to be honest. mid table (12th-14th) for another season but cant see much worse or better than that. turmoil or no turmoil.
  15. No. The stories of unhappy players doesn't leave me with any confidence in them. We desperately need Martins back to inject some pace into the team, but despite all this talk about the players being professional, I think some of them aren't playing with much purpose. Michael Owen being an honourable exception. i still reckon that well put in a better shift than the hull game. probably wishful thinking though.
  16. Isn't Sven sitting on a beach in Cancun, occasionally putting pants on to beat the ever loving s*** out of Panama and Honduras? He's going to give that up? nope because cancun is actually a really horrible city. apart from that, you are probably correct
  17. anyone reckon that we might get something out of this? being optimistic i know, but hopefully the players will want to show some character and bounce back from hull. that, and their defence is as useless as ours. with a sold out backing and fans behind them, we could put a performance in. also the fact that "the first game without keegan" is behind us, and they will have had longer to train? i bloody hope so its a long time since i saw NUFC win a game live!
  18. loads of them in that area recently. fucks sake police sort it out
  19. "the fans can never be bought" well if ashley had won us the league, i suspect the fans would be on his side. so not sure how you mean this
  20. im currently selling my old mp3 player and watch on ebay. maybe i can use them to negotiate a deal?
  21. how the hell would he know if he isnt involved
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