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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. Good little pickup from them.
  2. Astroblack

    Papiss Cissé

    I can't believe he actually said that. That could be a David Brent quote.
  3. God thats grim Was he actually playing bad though?
  4. I like Dowd. Probably the best ref in the league by far.
  5. If anyone saw yesterdays League cup game you saw how many decisions Michael Oliver got wrong in the first 40 fucking minutes. The same cunt who last week missed so much in our game against Southhampton. He's got to go. On another note, I'd say this is the worst season I've ever seen as far as officiating goes and we're only half way through. I expect a lot more bad calls. Hope Oliver never referees another game of ours again. Edit it was Madley refereeing our game but he's shit too.
  6. Oh great. Thought he'd have to come back to serve them.
  7. He better be banned for games. Cisse did less and got banned for three. I do enjoy him as a character, though.
  8. Good for him. Better to start for Villa than sit on the bench for whoever was interested.
  9. Elche manager looks a lot like Mourinho.
  10. No, I hate the idea that he has something to offer this team. He hasn't proven it in three seasons at the club.
  11. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/frank-de-boer-backs-vurnon-1369506 Read this. Unfortunately it does not reflect what Anita has done on the pitch. He hasn't given 300% for Newcastle. I just don't think he has what it takes to play in this league. I feel he's out of his depth.
  12. Anita, the Ajax genius outwitted by a 20 year old youngster. I feel even if we did play a system suited to Anita's liking, Colback would outperform him in that same system.
  13. From what I saw on Saturday, he looked very lazy. He didn't even try to come close to the ball. He never was available for a pass as he spent most of the game walking around. Yeah, the system's shit but the system was shit when Cabaye was here and he made an impact. Good players do. He gives off a relaxed vibe to me. Someone who'll sneak by and collect his money. What is Anita's best position and what is he meant to do?
  14. Maybe he hasn't "always been shit"like I said before, but he hasn't really made an impact. The way you guys talk about him like he's some unearthed Sergio Busquets. On his best day, he's Leon Britton. And maybe we don't "play the way he likes" well tough shit. Adapt then. That's what the best players do. Anita comes off lazy to me. If we don't play the way he likes, leave and go somewhere where they have that philosophy. He seems perfectly content sitting on the bench and collecting his money. I just don't feel this guy is hungry to improve. He plays when he's called upon and never seems to improve.
  15. Hopefully now people will stop thinking he's capable of something. He's shit, has always been shit and will always be shit.
  16. I wonder where he'll be playing in four years.
  17. There's this one pornstar dude who looks just like him.
  18. Fuck off. He's horrible. He's like a child watching a football match.
  19. That's worrying. I fail to see where we'll get a CB from.
  20. How's that Forrest lad doing? He's going to be playing a lot next season I feel.
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