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Everything posted by simmsy10

  1. Anyone having problems with World highlights of Juve game? all my clips seem to be fine except when i look at the Juve ones!
  2. Don't want to say i told you so but i did highlight this link this morning in the "where would you have zog" thread! £3M is a joke tbh!
  3. Not at Fulham as linked today! For only £3m too!
  4. Probably a load of s***. When will he ever tell the truth!?
  5. I think Troisi has shown enough to be at least considered as a good cover option. With injuries to Barton, Duff, Emre, Butt from last night, he seems like he could be in contention for a game or two?
  6. i voted heinze but i'm really not sure who big sam is thinking about! hopefully not quedrue at that price. hopefully it will be someone who will actually make us better as i dont think wes brown etc can do that!
  7. Chellini from Juve quoted at that price to this morning. Could it be him? Although he'll prob go to Liverpool!
  8. With that hair line, I can't believe he's only 23. Who has hair that thin at 23? More punchable than Gary Neville?
  9. I'll come back tomorrow night and try again! need sleep, and prob some glasses and english lessons!
  10. Could someone keep updates of the score TOMORROW night then please? and no "looking into the future" quotes! I cant go and dont have setanta so just wanting to find out the result!
  11. alright, have your laugh at my expense! i deserve it! 10 years old? mentally.. yes!
  12. Shit, thought today was tuesday! i work too much! yes, i am a dick!
  13. where can i find the score updates? you guys have confused me!! is it 0-0 or 2-0?
  14. Not a chance! Just hoped i could get it on the net or something?!
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