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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Happy with that. Bench options getting better. Good to see Anderson back in contention. Let’s put Saturday to bed now
  2. First comment: “The negotiations should go something like this. Joelinton says how much he wants and they agree. We can’t afford to lose him when we could potentially lose Bruno too” bet this is sorted promptly ?
  3. Does Howe know how? Looks like we’ve not played together before. Sluggish and don’t want the ball as much as Arsenal. Yes weak midfield. Longstaff and Bruno need to up it a gear (if they can against this level of quality).
  4. Doesn’t look good. What should he be doing here with the team out there?
  5. Not in a howler shocking way
  6. It’s Hope and the Fail!
  7. I honestly think club hopping Dan won’t be missed! Onwards and upwards. Hope he enjoys the Ineos car crash cluster fuck show!
  8. PauloGeordio

    Jacob Murphy

    let’s see some juice tonight!
  9. Yeah as said look at Anthony’s progress. I expect Tonali to be a baller
  10. Also imminent ban and fallout looming. Head not totally with it!
  11. I think he will. Fitness levels high, well drilled in the Howe ball way. Integrated with the cloob and fluent English. He’ll arrive with a boom. Quote me
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