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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Thank fook internationals are done. Wouldn’t miss them!
  2. He’s always poker face that’s what I love about him. I don’t doubt they’ll assess and do whatever is necessary and an option to them. If that’s to take from the Saudi league they will.
  3. Howe, in his press conference today, was asked if he was willing to sign players from Saudi Arabia now that the temporary motion to ban players going on loan to clubs having the same owners has been turned down. This is what Howe said: “It’s not even in our thoughts at this moment in time. As I said, at the start of the season, January was not a window that we were looking to invest in.” “It would only be a reaction to the injuries that we have and whether we need to recruit because the majority of our players would be back in January.” “At this moment (in time) we don’t know.” So Newcastle didn’t think they would be active in the upcoming January transfer window, until we picked up all the injuries with injured players slowly coming back. That being true, it looks like we will only sign players in January to fill in for injured players and also for the banned Sandro Tonali. if needs must basically!
  4. Any day is a good day to sniff glue! ?
  5. It’s like dog shit. Sometimes you stumble into it by accident and still smell it anyway just to check. Then there’s the choice to step in it and then bemoan that you did. Step over that shit bro!
  6. Thank God we have the good and proper folk at the club now that embrace openness, supporting it and the gaffa wants to know how you are and provides a path to recovery if you aren’t in a good place with a great support infrastructure. Hopefully one that for different reasons sees us unleash Sandro back into the fray next season all the more stronger for it.
  7. I saw it, didn’t want to bump the link unless announcing he’d choked on his own bullshit. Total self promoting narcissist want monster. GTF!
  8. Yes they’ll use all means necessary that they can under each possible scenario!
  9. Even the 2nd guessing is driving them nuts. At least under Cashley they knew we were getting pretty much nowt!
  10. Saudis would buy up their shite to bankroll the lesser clubs . Fuck me the league would be more competitive!
  11. Howe is coy about his January plans. Just before the international break he was asked about the rule changes and loan signings - and said: “If there’s anything we can do to find them an edge we will try to find that. “At the moment I don’t have any plans for January. It’s such a moving thing in a sense we don’t have clearly identified targets. There’s too many moving parts at this stage and a lot of football to be played. “From our side there are injuries that may return and injuries that may not return. It’s very difficult for us to have finalised those plans at this stage. I'm involved in the football world. We want to compete on the pitch within the rules that are set for us.”
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