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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. More food, more wine! anyone in that disgusting physical sack o shit shape shouldn’t be allowed to represent athletes on any level, let alone coach them. Lead by example fuckers!!
  2. time for “iron fist inside velvet glove” let’s give them such a silky slapping ??
  3. Implying the bent PL helping our Scouse adversaries out!
  4. If we’re at our best, our defensive record alone negates them. We have Cal and Isak taking the piss, Maxi and Longy hopefully back, and Wor flags and home support. We don’t need to win for CL they do for the title. Bring it ??
  5. Every night before bed, play the champions league music, believe and stop this shit!!
  6. ?? Thankfully so do our team and manager
  7. Thank fuck we’re really good!
  8. Again, if we look after our end of business (and we can) we good!
  9. If it’s meant for us it’s ours. In spite of these blatant shenanigans (I believe it is meant for us, as we are an unstoppable force)
  10. We do our end of business as we have been doing and it won’t matter (as sickeningly obvious it is to see)
  11. Or shake properly and has that piss dribble down the leg when he tugs up his grey joggers!
  12. Dignity, integrity and giving a fuck!
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