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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Couldn’t care less if we have our new manager in place. Onwards and upwards. Rock bottom the foundation we built our new team on ???
  2. Or it’s done and dusted and they’re going to announce pre match?, or he’ll be at the match.
  3. No, just more than 1 contract to sort out. Penfolds inkjet printer and fax machine will be “smoking”? ?
  4. Yes his talk about not being protected enough at Arsenal. Possibly too fragile for us. Eddie could be the new “one” to lead us onwards and upwards! ??????
  5. Correct, let’s look in the direction we are headed ??
  6. One hot broth spoils the cock?
  7. ? You can read it a million times over and no sense whatsoever will be found in that statement ?
  8. To many cocks spoil the brothel?
  9. Probably want it all signed off, after the Dick saga (Emery that is)!
  10. Cherry picker for the “Gallowgate Pigeon”…..
  11. It takes Pardspeak to a whole other level of “wordsmithery” I keep reading it slowly and poof my minds blown, each and every time. Like WTF is this shit? ?
  12. They did? Hope so. The last blight of Ashley. Another #cans day when they go!
  13. I think if he had said the “Feddy” quotes to Howe, I’d hope that wouldn’t Jedi mind trick him and he’d see straight through that shit!
  14. Yes, means nothing. Let’s not forget Pardew was touted as the “next best thing” England boss pre 8 year contract!
  15. Said Thursday Nov 4th @ 9:15pm ?? still done deal , just not done done!
  16. Done deal! (According to the Times)
  17. Just about to post the same ? haven’t F5’d since this morning and fook all has happened yet!
  18. We’d except someone from Isis if they improved us and had passion, heart and desire to play entertaining football. So misinformed ??? Way over there they can go. I really hope Eddie gets to feel the love ❤️
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