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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. wyn davies

    Garang Kuol

    Good to see, hope that's just the beginning
  2. Small Fee? Wouldn't give them f*ck all following the screwing they tried over Lingard, prob did us a favour in reality
  3. Need to go back to how it used to be nice and simple
  4. wyn davies


    May of been a liability if he reacted badly to the tackles
  5. Got our just deserts Forest are in deep trouble
  6. Hope they get hammered next game, deserve to go down
  7. Someone married to that, wonder what they look like
  8. So final , makes you realise life is a balancing act and one wrong slip on the line and your heading the wrong way
  9. Regardless how poor the opposition are, you can only play against what's in front of you, city give them there due, brilliant play all around by them
  10. Probably wouldn't come to us and I believe we aren't all that interested anyways.
  11. wyn davies

    Garang Kuol

    His time will come of that I have no doubt.
  12. Bruno will be going to Real M certainly not Villa , regardless what they would hypothetically offer, I wouldn't fancy getting transferred to Villa
  13. He appears to mix well with Maxi and Willock , should help him to finally settle in
  14. wyn davies

    Joe Willock

    IMHO played well first half
  15. WSL game on BBC2 commentary canny on the world feed, Chelsea 1 up against women man u team
  16. Thought we were all tolerant clearly not, now waiting for more abuse, just have to take it on the chin I suppose.
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