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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. He'll build a brick wall, lob it over the top for the forwards and that'll be his tactics
  2. May as well give them the points now, and the opposition may as well save the bus fare
  3. If a decision is made by a ref and then taken out of his hands by VAR , should there be an apology as has previously happen, will the ref be thrown under the bus to save VAR embarrassment , if you get my drift .
  4. Too old and too late, same as Rednap would of been at Spurs, come from same mold.
  5. Win this and we're in the champions League if my maths are correct
  6. Heart attack stuff this , get defibrillator ready
  7. Next start, Leeds/ Leicester? , Had opportunity today, didn't take it
  8. Simply in relation to Nike, I see they have made that fucker that sent Bud Lite down the tubes , as the face of Nike unless things have changed .
  9. A portion of them are playing well above their station, and once the season ends may never reach that pinnacle again, time to cash in on one or two.
  10. First Miggy can't score for toffee, then bang , fireworks go off, now Murphy massive change around, what's going on , he had an injection or something
  11. Despite my reservations about him, I think he needs to start against Southampton at weekend and then make a judgement following that game.
  12. Sorry for Scharr , Burn needs to open his eyes
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