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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. They'll be getting worried about turning up here, in the coming weeks. I bet the hierarchy give a fantastic welcome, and there'll be some behind the scenes discussions.
  2. Is Howe unwilling to change the training / tactics ?, never pressing it's probably the same as we use to play as kids , kick and rush.
  3. wyn davies

    Nick Pope

    I'm not aware of any club paying large sums for a keeper in the same vein neither do they pay large sums for a defender yet a striker scoring 30 a season then the world's your oyster. It appears to be that clubs don't think of keepers as the most important as they appear lo be less flexible in the sell on market.
  4. Whilst we are ahead of the project which I think has caught everyone on the hop , hindsight is great, but perhaps if it was possible to sort some insurance out incase thereof. Whilst we have brought players in am still wondering why we haven't played those guys, after all if Barcelona can bring a very good 16/17 on the pitch we are always reluctant to do so in a competive environment.There is no point in statements being made to the effect they're not ready or don't want to ruin careers, as needs must , if good enough then on you go bonny lad.
  5. Believe Howes decision making cost us against Liverpool and yesterday, don't know about anyone else , but , Tripps clearly drained along with one or two others no reason to me why he couldn't of brought Liverimento, Hall, and couple of others on, can't keep using s me lot if it costs us points
  6. wyn davies

    Nick Pope

    He punches it, costs us, fumbles it costs us, think I would of tried to of caught it .
  7. wyn davies

    Jacob Murphy

    Hope this doesn't end up being a setback for him, playing really well at the moment, may be difficult to get that form back following injury as we have already seen with other players
  8. No such thing as loyalty , know guys who have given their all for 40+ yrs to a company and get royally shafted by them , employers don't care about any employee, so works both ways
  9. We all have skeletons in the closet regardless of how minor they are , so would we say anything to anyone including new employer if we thought we could get away with it , and the answer is no. We would all take a risk and hope nothing comes out, it's a dog eat dog world .
  10. In that case gonna need some out of the box thinking !
  11. Agreed, makes Jan window evenore important , will need to spend, but additional those we have already bought need to get bedded in rapidly, wonder if we recall Minteh or would that be unfair to him, bearing Feyenoord doing well in UCL
  12. You can bet your bottom dollar that the club / owners will be watching him like a hawk with 55m invested and he will no doubt in no uncertain manner told what the upshots gonna if this all goes pearshaped
  13. All hypothetical, off we go see if we can get something away to them, injuries is a big issue here
  14. The result counts , g d totally immaterial in this league
  15. But gotta go for it, table far too tight after tonight
  16. All or nothing now, may as well get beat by a dozen as opposed to 1
  17. Nowt wrong with that , might end up with a few Italian internationals on the cheap ?
  18. This situ will place AC Milan into an unrecoverable position along with the Italian FA, further all Italian players are now going to be suspect , along with Italian transfers to clubs outside Italy well and truly collapsing, there's gonna be a massive fallout and I can see clubs elsewhere in Europe with Italian players going through them with a fine toothed combe. Milan may as well come clean about what they knew, things are going to get very sticky, wonder if his girlfriend has thought about ditching him and what did she know.
  19. People will wonder , for all we know you can bet your bottom dollar his actions will be checked here, do you not think some people will be asking the same question about Ivan Toney when he returns? doubts will always be there.
  20. Question being if he gets a game can he be trusted , a non tackle here, miss pass there, a shot missed, would have the troops wondering.
  21. Was just thinking that , surely they and maybe other Italian clubs may also forfeit their places as part of the Italian FA investigation .
  22. Italian authorities may well be open to being sued if the investigation was ongoing prior to the sale of the player, and they were aware he was one of the components, where does leave Italian soccer bearing in mind upto 40 were mentioned by the plea bargainer I believe.
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