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Everything posted by djmattis

  1. Seeing how I've expected for some time that we would mess our form up somehow, it surely must come today? Can't see anything but a loss, it would be against all sense and logic if it didn't...
  2. Decently happy with that. Man Inter is in a dreadful state these days.
  3. FC Internazionale club statement FC Internazionale would like to announce that Walter Mazzarri has been relieved of his position of first team coach MILAN - FC Internazionale would like to announce that Walter Mazzarri has been relieved of his duties as first team coach. The club would like to thank Mazzarri for the commitment, dedication and professionalism he showed over his 17 months in charge. Today's training session will be taken by Giuseppe Baresi.
  4. There is absolutely nothing exiting happening on the pitch, nothing.
  5. Almost forgot he existed, what was the injury that has kept him out for so long?
  6. djmattis

    Remy Cabella

    Really hope we can see him score soon, must admit i thought it was a bad finish from him against Liverpool, it's the lack of confidence in the finish that made him miss that imo Hopefully we got the best to come from this guy.
  7. Fully expect a back to reality result, we'll get a draw at most if we're lucky. Hopefully we will put in a decent performance at least, and get some good results against those teams we supposedly are going to win over, seems we go missing against the teams in our level. 1-1 and a Sissoko goal is my tip.
  8. I actually don't think the whole wire idea is not that far fetched, 20mm wires and a solid construction from the sportsdirect.com adverts should do it.
  9. And this is how it ends for Steve Kean's DPMM. http://i.imgur.com/2NvNVoN.jpg Home United, sounds serious
  10. Ronaldo the original, and the football player not the poster. Speed, awareness, finesse and power. Also have a tendency to like the Sneijder type of player.
  11. Moratti forever End of an troubled but exciting era full of love and emotions. Thank you presidente
  12. I guess these are the kind of results we have to count on to stay up. Rather that then the opposite to be honest, it's not like Pardew is gonna get fired anyway.
  13. Enormously impressed by Southampton after all their player losses and then they go out and do what they've done this season. Probably going to have a dip sooner or later but still, very impressed. Just shows you how important a manager can be for a team of their standard.
  14. Because they are fucking stupid, lazy and cheap. Obviously. It's like building a skyscraper on top of a swamp and then raise the question about the foundation after it's finished. Horrible.
  15. Why is it even an issue, surely they should know the wind is blowing massively up there? I was on an St. James Park tour years ago and we were up there and even if it was a decently nice day the wind was noticeable.
  16. Laughing stock of the media solutions world, great.
  17. Hope everybody will have a lovely day and give it your all on the pitch.
  18. Pretty weird seeing Jonas like that without his mane. Hopefully he will recover and grow out his beautiful hair.
  19. Maybe the other clubs don't have led? So the size can't be comparable to others because they don't have the same quality?
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