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Everything posted by PRL

  1. I just don't understand how it could be Zola... He has nil experience, no links to Newcastle (bar the dwarf) and no outstanding credentials that i can think of. Still prefer him to O'Leary mind, i think that would actually end my interest in football altogether.
  2. Latest from .com, think they've covered all of us here...
  3. PRL

    Dear Kevin Keegan

    Idiot. Is that not exactly what has happened like? I understand people have different views like, but i don't see the need to push your views in everyone's face in a thread like this in the way Baggio is. Why not stick to the main KK thread or one of the millions others, rather than one that are people paying a few tributes to a guy who, up until the beginning of this week, we'd have all agreed is a legend of the club? It's smacks of wummery and trying to stir shit? We get the message, Baggio thinks KK fucked us over, we don't all agree, why argue about it in every thread? May as well stick something in here about the old board being better than the new and be done with it. Don't mean to have a go but it's been a shit few days for people, lets have a bit of respect for each other. I'm not arguing about it, this is the first comment I've posted in this thread since posting that. It seems you are only interested in views similar to your own. Ok dude, if it makes you happy to believe that you go for it, it just gets a bit tedious in my view reading a load of threads that tail off in exactly the same direction... I'm more than happy to sit and argue about it (actually, in this circumstance i'm not, as we all have our own views and without the facts it's a waste of time arguing something none of us can prove) but just think this ain't the best place for it. Fair play though, didn't realise you had only posted the once, should have paid more attention, darting between threads trying to read everything as been offline for a couple of hours. Apologies
  4. PRL

    Dear Kevin Keegan

    Idiot. Is that not exactly what has happened like? I understand people have different views like, but i don't see the need to push your views in everyone's face in a thread like this in the way Baggio is. Why not stick to the main KK thread or one of the millions others, rather than one that are people paying a few tributes to a guy who, up until the beginning of this week, we'd have all agreed is a legend of the club? It's smacks of wummery and trying to stir shit? We get the message, Baggio thinks KK fucked us over, we don't all agree, why argue about it in every thread? May as well stick something in here about the old board being better than the new and be done with it. Don't mean to have a go but it's been a shit few days for people, lets have a bit of respect for each other.
  5. Those fuckers in the background smiling are really boiling my piss. I hope they get a fucking kicking at school tomorrow
  6. Yep, I'm waiting for news that they haven't been granted permission to build an extension to the ground so they need to build a new stadium in London and are being renamed the NU Lons
  7. Even .com are listening to proposals for some kind of protest. This is fucking ridiculous, i honestly don't know what to do next, i'm numb
  8. Yeah, sorry, i find it very hard to be anything but seriously pissed off with those in charge at the club. Keegan obviously said he wanted control, they said no, they can fuck off. They should have given him the chance, they must have fucking promised him he would have control, then if it had gone wrong fine, kick him out, but to force him out 3 games into a season is stupid beyond belief. More than anything it's a MASSIVE fuck you to the fans - we don't care what you think we'll do what we want. Well, bollocks to them, i'm not going to be reasoned about it, i want whoever is responsible to get out our club. Bring on Reliance, or anyone else for that matter.
  9. I had a couple of pints at lunch, not sure how this afternoon is going to work out. Does that mean you are NUFC's Chief Communications Officer ? If I had been drinking pints of aftershave, yes I might just set myself up as [email protected] and email SSN and mail them saying Keegan has demanded Terry Mac as Chairman and see if they yellow ticker it, honestly wouldn't be surprised.
  10. I had a couple of pints at lunch, not sure how this afternoon is going to work out.
  11. Latest from .com, can't see it on here in last 3 pages, apologies if i've missed it elsewhere...
  12. Pretty sure we know the answer (at least) 90% of people on here would give that. You can pick whatever holes you like, there's something special about the guy and we just have to keep him
  13. has anyone said that ? It's the impression i seem to get - people saying they were happy with the signings before all this kicked off so we shouldn't get rid of Wise seems to imply they feel he is linked to these transfers... He may have dealt with some of the negotiation but i'm pretty confident someone else (Keegan) could do a lot of that...
  14. Vetere and Jiminez are the important ones here. I think it's pretty obvious they were the people who identified these targets, not Wise, so all those saying if we lose Wise we lose the ability to bring those players in seem to be jumping the gun. If losing Wise means we lose the other 2, then we have a problem, otherwise we're laughing. Another thing was Ashley explicitly stated Wise's remit was to bring in 6 under 17 players a year and he had nothing to do with the first team. If Wise is sacked / leaves i think it's safe to assume Ashley was lying to us all.
  15. http://blog.i2fly.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/india-mobile.jpg I could live with it Probably a big tub of Lonsdale boxers on her head...
  16. I think that Keegan and Ashley decided they needed to generate a warchest for next transfer window and heard Curbs could be on his way out. Few well placed rumours, Keegan surefire to leave, lay a load of cash on Betfair, Curbishley out as far as 30 or 40 - 1, stick down a million of fat mike's wad and there we go, tens of millions for Keegan to spend in Jan, at no cost to the club, whilst any loyal fans keeping faith and betting for the club were rewarded too. Win win. Case closed, lock the Keegan still manager thread.
  17. No one actually knows if any of that is the case though!
  18. The title change is not good when you go to the football board... All I saw was "NUFC: Kevin Keegan R..." - that scared me!!!
  19. If Ashley caves in to Keegan we could end up with Robbie Fowler type signings (Thierry Henry?) rather than steals like Jonas. I'd be wary of that scenario if I was Ashley. Didnt Keegan sign the likes of Ginola, Beardsley, Cole, Shearer, Asprilla, Ferdinand? Good enough for me Keegan buys names. He's capable of making very good signings but he wouldn't have a clue how to go about making Wenger type signings. Hence daft decisions like Fowler and given half a chance, Thierry Henry, players who command premium prices when they are going downhill. Can you sustain a football club like that? I wouldn't say people like Beresford, Lee, Albert, Venison, Bracewell, Allen, Cole et al were 'names', they were players either classed as past it or who hadn't even been picked up by the big clubs... It's such a myth to say Keegan just bought players who were already big names...
  20. and if he's going to walk out over milner,smith and barton you have to question him. It's the principle here... I think he'd have willingly sold off his own bat but only once replacements had been bought and he knew they were surplus to requirements. Had we sold both on Monday our squad would be about 15 players!
  21. That sounds believable to me, and it fits with the LMA's statements. Either that or its just someone's guess based on what the LMA said. I started to doubt when they mentioned Collingwood - he's a mackem... I know they're obsessed with us but i cannot see him going that far.
  22. I'm pretty sure, if Ashley and Keegan had fallen out irrepairably then Ashley would just pay out his contract and tell him to do one. He had no problem doing that with Allardyce and if it's a money matter then surely they would have just given Keegan the money in exchange for his silence. I think Ashley will be saying he wants Keegan to stay as manager on his terms and Keegan will be saying he wants to stay on his terms. Solely personal opinion but i think Keegan is actually relatively happy with the buys but not happy about selling behind his back, so i can't see why they don't compromise, with Keegan having control over who can leave the club and Vetere and Jiminez (i for one don't actually think Wise is involved in our first team transfers) scouting for Keegan to then ok deals on players they find. As much as i'm happy with what has been brought in and the price we have got for Milner, you simply cannot run a football club where you sell players without the manager's consent - how can a manager build a side / work on a system not knowing when players will be sold? It makes no sense...
  23. FYI betfair users - i'd probably take this chance just to cover your original lay to ensure you don't lose anything at all should the worst still happen... For the wider world... I'm still not completely convinced this is the end of it but at least i can now leave work, an hour and a half late because i couldn't work faster than a snail today with all this going on, at least with renewed hope he might be staying. Howay the lads
  24. I'm torn. I'm really fucking angry right now, but I'm waiting to find out who with. I will certainly be put off lining Ashley & Co's pockets if it turns out they have fucked over Keegan, but there are plenty of people on this board who have had to put up with the club getting fucked over in far worse ways in the 80s and they're still here, which makes me question whether I'd be right to walk away. Despite having a poncy southern accent and living in London, I'm a Geordie through birth and heritage and it's not just something you can leave behind or disregard. As much as this hurts, I can't say i won't support the team any more because I will, at the end of the day what I support isn't the chairman, it isn't the manager and a lot of the time it isn't even the team, it's the supporters themselves, the people i sing with, moan with, bitch at and generally pass more of my time talking to than anyone else in the world. I was going to compare walking away like walking away from the missus, but it isn't - it's way more than that. It's been with me since I can remember and whatever it does i'll always love the club and the city - it's more like family i guess, it's in the blood.
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