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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. A sad demise but he simply doesn't offer us anything anymore. He was lucky that Marv got injured pre-Villa and then he scored at Chelsea. Looking forward to seeing the starting XI without him in it.
  2. Can't really knock him today, but I do wish he was braver. Having another attacker who can actually create on the pitch when we are on top like we were in the 2nd half could have made all the difference. Instead he plays it safe and keeps Jonas on.
  3. A line change is a good shout. It would signal the head coaches intent. Does he want the W or is happy with OT? Does he trust the goaltender to maintain a shutout?
  4. These set pieces are nothing short of pathetic. Amazing for a man of his ability.
  5. Shame about no Hatem, but if he's not fit, he's not fit I guess. Good to see Williamson still not on the bench even with Colo out.
  6. When did you sign up? If last season was your first it could have been that it was a 10 month direct debit that has now changed to a 12 month one?
  7. Don't think Pardew will be able to resist the temptation of having him on the bench. There's always the risk of re-injury/injury, but I don't think AP was saying that Hatem wasn't fit in the sense that he was physically injured/still recovering. Taking all the footballing attributes out of the equation it would be the same as there being nothing physically preventing me from taking part in the Swansea game, but it is pretty obvious I don't have the conditioning to cope with the pace, endurance etc aspects. Obviously in a much less extreme way Hatem isn't in good enough condition to cope with playing an extended part in a PL game.
  8. No. He did a bicycle kick on a freezing cold day in front of 52,000 people and then landed on his back, which we know he has problems with. He was then clearly in some discomfort straight after. Would have been much easier to have picked up a niggle in training.
  9. I like Benitez and he has an excellent record as a manager. Maybe not in the top echelons, but has won a lot more than most of the managers knocking around in the top leagues around Europe. Also think what he said was spot on and certainly wasn't a rant as it has been portrayed.
  10. Still think he will be on the bench Saturday.
  11. Maybe, but he's a cunt in a good way.
  12. I believe he will sign a new contract if/when offered one. Based on nothing at all, just blind hope.
  13. Will be interesting to see if he tears it up down there.
  14. Can't believe anyone would advocate Harper still being in the side. He was once a good keeper, although I don't think we ever saw the best of him. His decline has been rapid and when he dives it reminds me of the three stage way we were taught to fall in drama at school.
  15. Fair play to him. He's won them 10 points in their last 4 league games alone.
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