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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. At least he kind of holds his hands up re: the subs in his interview on NUFC TV.
  2. Just listening to Shola's interview on NUFC TV. Says the complete opposite - fan's are entitled to voice their opinion, pay their money etc. Maybe someone should send Nile the link.
  3. Shouldn't start a league game again if Colo says and we sign the Montpellier captain.
  4. Just fuck off now - beyond a joke. Fed up of having to watch him lumber around in a black and white shirt. A good impact sub, but i'd rather have no Shola option at all than have to watch him start games. There cant be many strikers with as poor a goals per game ratio as him that have played as many PL games, and those that have will have been around 4 or 5 clubs.
  5. That Anita sub was laughable as well. If he had anything about him he would have taken Perch off - he may have just come on, but there was no need for him to be on the pitch at the end. Either that or Williams should have gone and Perch to CB.
  6. Do the honourable thing and walk away Alan. Only course of action now.
  7. I'd be surprised if a French international was overawed by an away game at Norwich Gary.
  8. Regardless of the result Pardew can piss off now if he thinks it is acceptable to start Shola on the right wing.
  9. Pardew (I know) in the press conference: "The snow's coming, we've got probably the best workforce at the ground to clear it and a good relationship with the council. We're doing everything to make sure it's definitely going to be on. I think ours will definitely be on." Probably wouldn't admit in public that he'd rather have the week off If we were to play this game in a month or 2 then we'd have Taylor, Ben Arfa and Tiote back plus new signing Monday Bandele. Maybe a bit of momentum off the back of beating Villa too. Plus most likely another midweek fixture that he's been bemoaning all season.
  10. If the club aren't desperate for it to be on then we really are doomed. We need the momentum and, no disrespect to Reading, if you were allowed to back one game a season where you thought we'd definitely get three points, even minus a couple of players, then this would be pretty high up the list.
  11. Really hoping he comes back in form. If we are going to be in a relegation scrap we do need him.
  12. Meant to be going to the races on Saturday, but can see it being frozen off meaning I will have to endure this on some dodgy stream.
  13. Darren Bent on loan Don`t think we could with Carroll anyway with the FIFA rule : "player is only eligible to play in Official Matches for two clubs." in 1 year. If he hadn`t signed for West Ham I`m pretty sure we would have gone back in for him though.. Probably discussed already, but do loans count? There must be plenty of players in the football league who go out on loan to a couple of clubs in a season and also appear for their parent club. I guess it's because the majority of these are classed as 'emergency loans'. FWIW I don't think we will be in for Carroll at the moment, but I am just interested to see if anyone knows the crack.
  14. Joking aside a few papers seen convinced they have got M'Vila too. Its going to be an expensive week for them if true. Could be a season saving week though for them as well. No doubt Derry will still be shoehorned into the side.
  15. durhamunigeordie

    Loïc Remy

    Someone needs to text him to remind him that when you can pick up 3 trebles for a fiver in bars like Flynns, 40k per week is more than sufficient.
  16. Well I was taking the piss but were you? Fucking hell I thought i'd checked back as well. EDIT - just seen when you post. I'd already opened up my post - took me ages to work out where the Giggs gif was! Even if you didnt see his post did you not notice the top thread on the board with that very headline? Of course. As I assume did Deuce.
  17. Well I was taking the piss but were you? Fucking hell I thought i'd checked back as well. EDIT - just seen when you post. I'd already opened up my post - took me ages to work out where the Giggs gif was!
  18. QPR set to sign Loic Remy. Medical tomorrow apparently. Sorry if
  19. I heard Norwich fans singing 'Coloccni, he wants to go home'. Standard patter, ripped off from the Carlos Tevez song.
  20. That would be funny if it weren't true!
  21. I think he's brilliant, but not sure he's capable of taking the game by the scruff of the neck. He's just not physical enough. If you want Hatem he is actually able to hold a man or two off. I think we will see the best of Marv when there are a few others around him to pass and move with.
  22. If we don't win next weekend he should do the right thing and resign.
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