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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. Can players fly back from tournaments during transfer windows to sign for a different club?


    He has a game 30 Jan. Your deadline day sale would be pretty unlikely unless there are frequent flights out of Gabon to UK. Either way i cant see it happening after the ACN starts.


    Jolly good.


    Lucas out for the season. King Kenny to bid £50 million for him in January?

  2. we already know ashley values incoming transfer fees above what's happening on the pitch so if we get the right offer he'll go, whether Tiote's injured or not is an irrelevance.


    Knowing our luck they'll send him on deadline day as well.

  3. So it's not possible to think that both Barton and Llambias are cunts? Because that's where I stand. I think they're both egotistical, sly, manipulators of the truth with track records for being cunts and that's probably the reason they have clashed to the point that even now both sides refuse to just shut the fuck up and give it a rest.


    But one is the managing director of our football club...

  4. That implies that the current squad are somehow taking the p (sorry i can't post that as i'm at work) out of the fans. Sorry, but there hasn't been a newcastle side in recent memory who have "taken the p" less!


    It implies absolutely nothing of the sort, it SAYS he despises everything they stand for and for that reason he can't lie to himself.


    He says the club are doing so well despite MA and DL because the players and manager are doing so well (i.e. not taking the piss)  :idiot2:


    The lengths some people will go to, to defend these clowns running our club is truly unbelievable, seeing stuff that isn't there, making stuff up or ignoring it when the same thing actually should be said against Llambias (I'm talking the Speed reference here which was thrown at Barton somehow) I think someone said the other week that it was some kind of defense mechanism, it beggars belief.


    He's intelligent, articulate and worth listening to when interviewed, doesn't strike me as a liar, he knows his faults and he's actively trying to make himself a better person, Llambias on the other hand is a disgusting human being and is despised to a man by everyone at SJP from what I hear.


    I know which side of the story I'd believe and it's clear as day who's talking shit (empty threats), getting into a war or words (when claiming not too) and using Gary Speed to curry favour in a appalling manner.



  5. Why is Llambias trying to use the death of Gary Speed to his advantage? Revolting.


    I really don't think that's what he's doing, that's incredibly harsh. I don't like him either, but that's going too far.


    I just don't understand why he has brought the death of Gary Speed into the row with Barton. Completely unecessary.


    Being as cynical as I am towards Llambias, I can only assume it's to get some kind of moral high ground over Barton.

  6. Just pretend he isn't there/call him a t*** and ignore the actions of the arseholes that run this football club.


    Fighting talk Colocho - sounds like you are ready to launch a protest. Bring back Harper, Nolan, Barton, Carroll and let Smithy get some some proper time on the pitch.


    Fuck off.

  7. This is just kit manufacturer right? Keeps the door open for Sports Direct to be shirt sponsor.


    Soccer Scene. :thup:


    Yeah, I've got a feeling it'll be them as well. Better colour scheme.


    As long as it's not Sports Direct, I'll be happy.


    Soccer Scene is Sports Direct.


    I actually meant as long as it's the Sports Direct logo.


    Nah. I think I'd be more p*ssed in a way. Shows he hasn't got the f***ing knackers to p*ss us off further with SD, and thinks we're so dumb that he can put Soccer Scene without it becoming widely known that it's just SD with a different logo and colour schemed website.


    There's meant to be a "not" in my post btw :laugh:


    I really want to buy a new strip (I do like our current one but probably won't buy it tbh) but definitely won't do so if SD is the shirt sponsor.


    ...and if it's Soccer Scene?

  8. This is just kit manufacturer right? Keeps the door open for Sports Direct to be shirt sponsor.


    Soccer Scene. :thup:


    Yeah, I've got a feeling it'll be them as well. Better colour scheme.


    As long as it's not Sports Direct, I'll be happy.


    Soccer Scene is Sports Direct.

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