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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. "Mike Ashley would be stupid to try to compete with English football's billionaires' - former Newcastle owner Sir John Hall praises successor's more cautious approach"



  2. Pulled him up on his jonas mark (7) on twitter. Just didn't understand how obertan could get an 8 and he a 7.


    Accused me of 'hurling abuse' and because of it didn't agree with my outlook on life??? He used some hack from the daily mail (jonas 6) to back up his argument, I joked that it made 2 clueless spectators at the game then.


    'hurling abuse'? Hardly!


    Blokes as big an embarrassment as anal.


    He blocked me for questioning his relationship with the club.

  3. But Barton was essentially being played as a wide central midfielder. To play Marveaux on the right we're going to have to completely change his style of play.


    Not saying it's impossible to do so, but will take a while...

  4. He's undoubtedly a better player than Obertan, but I don't think he'd fit into the current system whereas Obertan does. I'd also hope Marveaux will eventually replace Obertan anyway. This year we've got Cabaye playing a similar role to Barton last year, only Cabaye is good enough to do it in the centre rather than out on the right.


    But Marveaux isn't a right-sided midfielder...

  5. I can't be arsed going through this shit again


    This, but we're going to have to. Coloccini in Jan, Tiote in the summer, Cabaye and Krul next year, HBA at some point too.


    Then we'll sign better players for less and still be above them :fwap:


    Feeder club...

  6. The best hope we have of this not happening is that the Liverpool owners won't be keen to sanction a big money move for a 29 year old. Otherwise I have absolutely no doubt that King Kunny will be slavering like rabid dog at the prospect of taking Coloccini. Being an unimaginative sour faced prick, he's always relied on siphoning resources from former clubs. The cunt hasn't got a clue about player recruitment otherwise.


    He managed Villa, Ajax, Blackpool and Sunderland?

  7. Why are they letting this happen again? This time last year, when things were going well, we should have offered Enrique a new contract. Even if he wanted to leave in the summer, we would have got a lot more than six bloody million for him.


    Colo is our best player, our captain - hand him a three-year deal with the wages he is on at the moment and be done with it.

  8. Accusations of racist chanting/songs from our fans last night...


    Anyone hear any of this? Shame if true.

    I sometimes wonder if you go looking for these bad stories.


    Appeared on my twitter timeline.


    "More tales of #nufc fans being ignorant idiots coming in last night. Needs to be addressed. Racism, islamophobia. Disgusting."


    "I confronted kids last night acting the idiot. Trouble is police & stewards inept."


    "Question for #nufc fans; who do you think represents our city in a more positive way; pissed racists at Blackburn or @OccupyNewcastle????"


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