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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. I thought it was one of those injuries that saved him from travelling to Mauritius...


    Like Anderson has suggested, very strange he went out there if that was the case. Maybe he just wanted to go and see his mates?

  2. -------------------- Hart


    Walker --- Terry --- Ferdinand --- Cole


    -------------Parker -- Wilshere -----------


    Sturridge ----- Gerrard --------- Young


    -------------------- Bent --------------------


    Parker absolutely has to be in the side imo. Best English CM by so far this season.


    If Gerrard isn't fit, I think Lampard (depending on the season he has) could still do a job behind the striker.


    Wilshere has so much talent, he simply has to be in the side if he's fit. I personally believe that Rio, on his day, is still a better centre-half than Cahill, Jagielka, Lescott and any of the youngsters at Man Utd.

  3. Anyone who watches the Spurs game next Sunday count how many times SKY's cameras pan over the 'new' logo.


    I bet they avoid like the plague. Can't do anything with the electronic ad boards I know but I reckon they will avoid the gallowgate roof and the new East stand abortion.


    Let's hope so.

  4. Simply has to start against Spurs in place of Obertan. For me, Marv has shown he is more composed and intelligent on the ball than Obertan which is going to be vital against a good side such as Spurs.


    Against Spurs, I'd start Obertan.


    I think Marveaux could be devastating against a tired Assou-Ekotto.

  5. Asia and USA will never have the power in the sport of football that Europe and South America has, because they have never had, and will never have the footballing culture.




    Which is why the very young J-League is already starting to creep up on the average crowds in Italy and Spain then right? No football culture my arse.


    Nothing to do with attendances, mate. I was agreeing with Ali when he said that they'll never have the power. You can add history and tradition to that, as well.


    Really? So every team in Europe started out with history and tradition when they were formed then. Fuck somebody could have informed us about this magic!


    With the majority of the worlds population in Asia there is no way they can not end up with the power. They already took a spot off the Europeans in 06 and CONCAF are going to be taking another one for 2014 off either the Europeans or the South Americans and all this for continents that have no history of the sport and a smaller fan base. Just think for a minute about what is going to happen when the fan base inevitably grows in both regions.


    Completely agree.


    24,000 people at Juventus v Milan on Sunday...

  6. Mimi is an anagram of Ben Afrfa... after twenty odd pints :)


    Or she (has been mentioned that Mimi is female on here?) may just feel some sort of empathy with him as their country origins/social origins are probably quite similar??


    I could easily be persuaded that he is an arrogant pr*** because so many other footballers seem to be and because of the shenanigans at Marseille. But innocent until proven guilty!!! (Please bring doctor's report Hatem!)



  7. I agree with Neil. Some of these comments are absurd. We have had far worse summers than this.


    We have gotten rid of Nolan who was useless except when scoring. We've gotten rid of Routledge who was on loan anyways. We've signed Cabaye, Marveaux and Ba.


    Barton hasn't left yet and neither has Enrique. If those two leaves and we sign no cover then sure its not been a good one. But I think we're in a better position than last year no doubt. Time will tell though


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    What a ridiculous statement to make.


    Tbf, it's not that far from the truth. His goals and character were massive for us last season, but aside from that he didn't bring much to the table.


    Without his goals and leadership last season, we could have been relegated.


    Without his goals and leadership the season before, we may not have been promoted.


    It's fine to describe Nolan as a limited player (because he is) but in football, what is more important than scoring goals?


    Sorry for the bump but :troll:


    If this is directed at me specifically, what's your point?

  8. You make a lot of "sous-entendus" Colocho... It means that you suggest, with your way of speaking about him that he has this behaviour.

    And you said that you feared some other things about his personality...


    You can't play that game with me, i know EVERYTHING about Ben arfa...



  9. "He was late coming back from Tunisia following the international break. Came up with some bullshit story about his name not being on the computer at check-in, or some s**** like that. Missed a training session, was fined. After that incident his relationship with Deschamps deteriorated".


    That is a lie, sorry. Simply because you don't explain all the story.


    Where you with him in the airport to say that his story was "bullshit" ?

    Do you know what Deschamps told to the journalists this day ? Did you know he lied to them ?

    Did you know he knew Ben arfa was late but didn't mention it in the press conference, to deliberately let think that HBA had delibarately missed the training session ?

    Did you know Ben arfa warned him ?


    Of course you know all those things (and i surely forget some questions for you but i have to go) because YOU're a french specialist ! (irony of course)

    Let me tell you : you know nothing, strictly NOTHING about Ben arfa's personnality.

    Last time, when i saw your post about him and his relations with his previous team-mates, i swear, i was eating and i nearly choked myself.

    More than a half of what you said was pure lies; even things which were FACTUALLY WRONG.


    Please, just don't try to convince other posters Ben arfa is an arrogant, lazy or liar player. He is not, he's just immature but very humble, kind hearted and very respectful !


    Where have I said he was arrogant or lazy? Are you suggesting he may be? :lol:


    I don't think he was in any rush to come back from Tunisia on that occasion - clearly the club felt the same. We'll have to agree to disagree...


    He's a tremendous talent, and has the potential to be one of the best players in the league.

  10. In the nicest way possible, I hope that he is in Tunisia for an 'honest' reason.


    It was two years ago this week he went AWOL in 'Tunisia' - we all know what happened next...

    Care to refresh my memory?


    I get the feeling you aren't overly fond of Ben Arfa the person. You admire the talent but not the person.


    Couldn't have said it better in terms of the person/talent thing. I'm hoping the injury has made him realise that he can't take things for granted - and has made him see just how fortunate a lad he is (although this is rarely the case, especially with the modern footballer - which Ben Arfa almost personifies).


    He was late coming back from Tunisia following the international break. Came up with some bullshit story about his name not being on the computer at check-in, or some shite like that. Missed a training session, was fined. After that incident his relationship with Deschamps deteriorated.


    Clearly it was a simple admin error and you've been wrongly dragging Ben Arfa's name through the mud.  Shame on you.



  11. In the nicest way possible, I hope that he is in Tunisia for an 'honest' reason.


    It was two years ago this week he went AWOL in 'Tunisia' - we all know what happened next...

    Care to refresh my memory?


    I get the feeling you aren't overly fond of Ben Arfa the person. You admire the talent but not the person.


    Couldn't have said it better in terms of the person/talent thing. I'm hoping the injury has made him realise that he can't take things for granted - and has made him see just how fortunate a lad he is (although this is rarely the case, especially with the modern footballer - which Ben Arfa almost personifies).


    He was late coming back from Tunisia following the international break. Came up with some bullshit story about his name not being on the computer at check-in, or some s**** like that. Missed a training session, was fined. After that incident his relationship with Deschamps deteriorated.


    Can you just tell me PLEASE, why are you lying this way about him ?

    I swear you, i tried a lot of times to understand but i don't see your aim...


    What of that post is a lie?

  12. In the nicest way possible, I hope that he is in Tunisia for an 'honest' reason.


    It was two years ago this week he went AWOL in 'Tunisia' - we all know what happened next...

    Care to refresh my memory?


    I get the feeling you aren't overly fond of Ben Arfa the person. You admire the talent but not the person.


    Couldn't have said it better in terms of the person/talent thing. I'm hoping the injury has made him realise that he can't take things for granted - and has made him see just how fortunate a lad he is (although this is rarely the case, especially with the modern footballer - which Ben Arfa almost personifies).


    He was late coming back from Tunisia following the international break. Came up with some bullshit story about his name not being on the computer at check-in, or some shite like that. Missed a training session, was fined. After that incident his relationship with Deschamps deteriorated.


    Ah right. The way you go on I thought he'd pissed on somebody's kids.


    That's not the only reason I'm concerned about his personality...

  13. In the nicest way possible, I hope that he is in Tunisia for an 'honest' reason.


    It was two years ago this week he went AWOL in 'Tunisia' - we all know what happened next...

    Care to refresh my memory?


    I get the feeling you aren't overly fond of Ben Arfa the person. You admire the talent but not the person.


    Couldn't have said it better in terms of the person/talent thing. I'm hoping the injury has made him realise that he can't take things for granted - and has made him see just how fortunate a lad he is (although this is rarely the case, especially with the modern footballer - which Ben Arfa almost personifies).


    He was late coming back from Tunisia following the international break. Came up with some bullshit story about his name not being on the computer at check-in, or some shite like that. Missed a training session, was fined. After that incident his relationship with Deschamps deteriorated.

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