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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. Hard tackle = Intended to cause harm.




    Deliberate foul = intended to cause harm, hard tackle = intended to win the ball. 


    You're far more likely to get hurt in a tackle if you go in half assed or pull out of it altogether like a fruit.


    I said it as in a preconception I would like to see gone from football.

  2. Fans across the country are laughing at us. St James' looks absolutely ridiculous, but people don't care - because all that matters to most is where we are in the table.


    Do you really think other fans actually notice and/or care? I hate the advertising, but nobody except Newcastle fans have ever mentioned it to me.

    I have an Arsenal supporting friend from uni that had been to the game. After our game with them he rang as usual and one of the first things he said was 'wtf is all that advertising on top of the stands' and how in your face it was.


    Naive to think visiting fans don't look up and laugh. I was watching the match with a couple Spurs supporters last weekend, both of them think it's obscene. But hey-ho the team are playing well so it doesn't matter.


    No doubt if we'd had a bad start to the season - there would be uproar about the signage...

  3. Fans across the country are laughing at us. St James' looks absolutely ridiculous, but people don't care - because all that matters to most is where we are in the table.


    tbh.if it continues to go well on the pitch then why should we care, i want my club to do well in my lifetime!.


    This sports direct stuff as fugly as it is, is very much short term and will be gone soon enough. newcastle united will be there long after mike ashley has gone and if things continue as they are we may even get a cup somewhere down the line, More than likely go tits up being nufc


    Short-term? Why is it?

  4. Sir John Hall:


    “The meeting with the Malaysians went well but they wanted 6 weeks to do due diligence. The offer from the other party at Freshfields waived that right and was a better deal. I was told that the man behind the deal was Mike Ashley and I sat with his representatives over 3 days thrashing out a deal.


    “I was keen to know why they wanted the club and they were quite honest. They wanted to market their sports goods in the Far East and would use the club to help do this.”

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