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Posts posted by Colocho


    Before the competition but not during the competitive football season and they'll go back up straight after so they may just cover them up to save £££


    Doubt they'll come down. Will probably just throw massive white sheets over the signs.

  2. What is there to fuck up?


    He has a manager who is apparently a close friend, willing to be a face for his regime, and happy to work with his remit.

    He has his company's logo plastered all across the stadium - being seen by tens of (if not hundreds) of thousands every weekend.

    There are three or four players in the squad that after a good season could be worth five times what we paid for them (in the case of Tiote).


    Things have never been better at NUFC for Ashley...


    You have severely underestimated Ashley's fucking-up skills. He's fucked his way up out of better situations that this, my friend. He can do all the fuck-ups: the 'surely not?' fuck-up, the 'surely not again' fuck-up, the surprise fuck-up, the bold fuck-up, the underhand fuck-up. He's fucked-up more times that you've had hot dinners--he's fucked up more times than he's had hot dinners: and that's a shitload.


    What fuck-ups do see on the horizon?

  3. What is there to fuck up?


    He has a manager who is apparently a close friend, willing to be a face for his regime, and happy to work with his remit.

    He has his company's logo plastered all across the stadium - being seen by tens of (if not hundreds) of thousands every weekend.

    There are three or four players in the squad that after a good season could be worth five times what we paid for them (in the case of Tiote).


    Things have never been better at NUFC for Ashley...

  4. Why bother going to the length of trying to sign Ruiz, seriously, just to try and appease fans? Doesn't really seem to fit Ashley's MO, hardnosed decision maker unconcerned with what others think.


    It was opportunistic.

  5. Probably been mentioned before, but:


    Lee Ryder: From what we are told, this is to showcase what other companies can do with the space if they pay for the rights.

    Whether any companies come forward and take them up on the offer remains to be seen.


    Where did that c*** of a man come out with that?


    Doing hos live-chat thingy just now.



  6. Probably been mentioned before, but:


    Lee Ryder: From what we are told, this is to showcase what other companies can do with the space if they pay for the rights.

    Whether any companies come forward and take them up on the offer remains to be seen.


    Where did that cunt of a man come out with that?

  7. Can't see him accepting a 30% pay cut, even if we did offer him a new deal. Why should he?


    I'm just going to enjoy him this season tbh, not even worth worrying about what happens after that.


    Can't see him earning more than £50k a week anywhere else...

  8. He wouldnt replace Northern Rock because a lot of money is generated with the shirt sponsor. However, we could well see his stick Sports Direct on there somewhere, you're allowed 2 sponsors arnt you?


    The £4m or so (a year) we get from Northern Rock could easily be covered by the profits from player sales.

  9. I actually don't think it looks too bad seeing it completed, BUT, the principle of it is what gets to me (and the fact that we aren't receiving any money for his advertising).


    i thought quaysides posts would have driven this out of town by now


    Which posts were these?


    the ones about not receiving any money for the advertising being a fucking shit argument against them


    How on earth is it shit? The whole point of advertising is that you receive money for it.


    But Ashley puts his money in the club, so he should be able to use St James' to advertise his other companies.

  10. I actually don't think it looks too bad seeing it completed, BUT, the principle of it is what gets to me (and the fact that we aren't receiving any money for his advertising).


    i thought quaysides posts would have driven this out of town by now


    Which posts were these?

  11. Obertan said that all the Frenchies can bring to the club something special, they all have a "card to play".

    Then, they showed some NUFC fans that said French players have the reputation to be creative and that is what the club needs.


    Newcastle similar to Marseille? I don't see it...

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