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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. It's fucking horrific. The lack of ambition from the financial side is bad enough but this is literally raping our club in front of our own faces.


    ott post of the year?


    Rape - Spoil or destroy (a place)

  2. Chatty Man's dad this week will be in Europe taking in Leverkusen v Genk on Weds & Standard Liege v Copenhagen on Thurs, but no names revealed.  I guess Barnetta is the obvious one for Weds tho.



  3. I really don't undersatnd why you are so pessimistic ! I mean you all say you'll be happy if you finish on the first mid table... you're crazy !

    With the team you have, top 5-6 is very realistic. If Ba keeps inproving and your midfield (Tiote and Cabaye) play well together, there are no reason to no target Europe next season.

    Last but not least, if Ben arfa finds again his level and is able to link your midfield with the attack, you could be unbeatable.


    I'm very pleased with the midfield that has been built. But if Colo was to get injured, our defence would fall to pieces, and we certainly wouldn't be 'unbeatable'.

  4. Why did the old sign have to come down? Surely they could have just put the Sports Direct logos on the side of the old sign?


    They would have looked at numerous shots of the sign and deduced that doing that would mean cuntsdirect would be cropped off more times than not. So they've squeezed it all together. :(


    Hmm yes, I suppose.


    It looks shite, and tacky especially compared to the old signage. Not enough people care.

  5. I was actually thinking yesterday that I had blatantly cursed him with my over the top defence of the lad and he was destined never to score for us :lol:


    I've had a bit of grief for 'defending' him as well. When he was at West Ham, I was thinking that he was the kind of striker that we could do with.


    He hit the ground running at West Ham, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he was going to when he joined us. He didn't have a great pre-season, and I'm sure Ramadan didn't help things, but I think he has the attributes and the record to suggest that he is an effective striker...

  6. I almost hate these 2 players  :rant:


    Thought you'd like it...


    Because my parents are from Algeria ? No, no, no... Benzema is an arrogant and c... player. For, Nasri i really can't get what he has that is so special, i think he is "fourbe" (sorry don't know how to translate it) with a mocking smile.


    No, I thought you'd like it, because it was obvious to me that you don't like them!


    Fourbe? I think that would translate to misleading/deceitful/sly???

  7. <<<Etes-vous amis?<<<


    No, we're not.

    (I'm sorry for my last answer in french but I could not say it in english. Concerning Hatem attitude, there's a lot to say, concerning the mentality in general in France towards people from suburbs or from foreign origins. It's another debate and i cannot open it in english unfortunately, but it explains many, many things)


    In France yes, in England however, I'm not sure that same kind of prejudice/discrimination exists (especially in terms of foreign footballers). I'd hazard a guess that the average English person is more likely to be abusive towards their local cornershop owner than the number 10 of the team they support (regardless of their ethnic origin).


    I don't see the point you are trying to make tbh. L'équipe de Marseille a été ethniquement diverse, comme est la ville de Marseille.


    Marseille's side was incredibly diverse (ethnically) as is the city of Marseille as a whole. Are you suggesting that Deschamps looked down on him, and that is what pissed him off?


    <<<Etes-vous amis?<<<


    No, we're not.

    (I'm sorry for my last answer in french but I could not say it in english. Concerning Hatem attitude, there's a lot to say, concerning the mentality in general in France towards people from suburbs or from foreign origins. It's another debate and i cannot open it in english unfortunately, but it explains many, many things)


    Absolutely true...


    I think i'm just in love (i mean virtually) with you, sorry...  :love:


    Vous êtes Français-tunisienne?


  8. <<<I think Niang, Cheyrou, Diawara all played more important roles than HBA that season. HBA was excellent at the turn of the new year, but for much of the season he was at his inconsistent<<<


    I'm sorry but can I reply in french ? sorry, sorry, sorry


    Justement mon ami, il suffit de regarder le classement de l'OM entre le mois d'août et le mois de janvier quand HBA était remplaçant et le comparer à celui entre Janvier et Avril quand il fut systématiquement titulaire. La remontée est tout simplement spectaculaire.


    Tout le monde en France, et les supporters de l'OM en premier, s'accordent à dire qu'il fut DECISIF.


    Au mois de Mai, une petite blessure l'a rendu indisponible une semaine et Deschamps a décidé de le remettre sur le banc.


    Vint le match de Rennes à 2 journées du terme de la saison, où il le fait entrer à 15 minutes de la fin. Marseille a besoin de gagner le match pour s'assurer du titre. C'est Hatem qui débloque la situation. Il met le feu dans la défense rennaise et offre la balle de but, de la victoire et du titre.


    True. They became a much more effective - and certainly more dangerous team with him in the side. I watched the Rennes game, it was brilliant.


    Ils ne deviennent plus dangereux avec Ben Arfa dans l'équipe, mais ils l'ont utilisé comme un substitut d'impact. Si il a commencé les jeux, que serait-il dangereux?


    Un grand défi pour lui, va traiter avec 'le réservoir de poissons' de Newcastle.


    Mon français est 'rouillé', surtout écrite.


    Voilà, enfin quelqu'un qui rétablit la vérité !



    Etes-vous amis?

  9. <<<However, his attitude in the past has stunk. Particularly when he was a brat at Marseille.>>>


    bad attitude or not, he was THE element which helps Marseille to win the title 2 years ago.

    Deschamps's attitude with him was absolutly s... man.

    It was "attitude vs attitude"  :)


    I think Niang, Cheyrou, Diawara and Lucho (to name a few) all played much more important roles than HBA that season. HBA was excellent at the turn of the new year, but for much of the season he was at his inconsistent best (I remember the Tunisia incident being very well documented in France). He wasn't as important as you are suggesting, let's be honest, the fact he started less than 20 games is indicative.


    Deschamps didn't help things, but he led his side to the title. HBA simply wasn't one of the first names on the teamsheet, here, he will be.


    Btw, you can't kid me re: Marseille. I watched at least 20 of their games that season...

  10. Strange comments from your Coach in the press...

    I agree with the fact that HBA have to do his best in training to get his place in the start XI but when he is fully fit, he is just the best player of your team so...


    But right now, he has to be on the bench for at least the 3 next games.

    Never forget he's been out for almost 1 year and didn't play, he isn't Superman. Even if he says he's ready, he'll have to wait. To have a setback is not an option he has to ignore.


    Cabaye is a better footballer, and a better professional.


    I'd like to see HBA come on in the 60th minute, personally.


    What is wrong with you ? Don't you like HBA ?

    I don't think Cabaye has the capability of making me jump from my chair every time he's got the ball, if you see what i mean...


    I do like Ben Arfa, he is a very talented player with great potential. He has brought a level of excitement to the club (which we haven't seen in years) and the ability to bring a whole new dimension to our side.


    However, his attitude in the past has stunk. Particularly when he was a brat at Marseille. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this attitude repeats itself at some point during his time at NUFC.


    Strange comments from your Coach in the press...

    I agree with the fact that HBA have to do his best in training to get his place in the start XI but when he is fully fit, he is just the best player of your team so...


    But right now, he has to be on the bench for at least the 3 next games.

    Never forget he's been out for almost 1 year and didn't play, he isn't Superman. Even if he says he's ready, he'll have to wait. To have a setback is not an option he has to ignore.


    Cabaye is a better footballer, and a better professional.


    I'd like to see HBA come on in the 60th minute, personally.


    Maybe Cabaye is a better professional, yes, and I hope HBA already realise that his UNIQUE  talent is not sufficient...

    Otherwise, in term of "pure football", he's simply the best french player and the best "thing" that arrive to French football since...Zidane.

    I feel that this season will be the Hatem's one.


    Absolutely this.


    Like I said last time, if he didn't realise during the time he was out that the only way for him to succeed is to work hard (in trainings first, of course), he won't succeed and it'll be such a waste of talent.

    I hope he realises that now Benzema, Ménez and Nasri are all in the French squad whereas they don't have the quarter of his talent.


    The best player since Zidane?!


    Nasri and Benzema don't have a 'quarter' of the talent HBA has?!?!


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  11. Strange comments from your Coach in the press...

    I agree with the fact that HBA have to do his best in training to get his place in the start XI but when he is fully fit, he is just the best player of your team so...


    But right now, he has to be on the bench for at least the 3 next games.

    Never forget he's been out for almost 1 year and didn't play, he isn't Superman. Even if he says he's ready, he'll have to wait. To have a setback is not an option he has to ignore.


    Cabaye is a better footballer, and a better professional.


    I'd like to see HBA come on in the 60th minute, personally.

  12. "Yohan is a good player, with good technique," Tiote told BBC Newcastle.


    "He gets forward, and that's good for me because I have the opportunity to play behind him."


    Tiote continued: "That's my job, I have to do that, the manager [Alan Pardew] told me, and Yohan's a good partner for me.


    "It's not my quality to score and go forward, and I'm happy."


    The Ivory Coast international has remained a regular in the Magpies first-team this season, making five starts despite missing much of pre-season awaiting a visa.


    "I feel good now, but because I missed pre-season I was behind, as I had missed two games," Tiote added.


    "I was training alone, and it's not the same, they had played the two games without me.


    "That is football, I had to forget about that and work hard to come back."

  13. Player gets injured. Player recovers and trains. Player plays reserve games/comes off the bench, until fully fit. This has been happening since the beginning of time, you should be used to it by now.



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