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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. Newcastle's unbeaten start to the season has a lot do with the seven senior French-speaking players in the squad...


    Abeid? Ba? Marveaux? Tiote? Ben Arfa? Obertan?


    Have these guys really contributed to our unbeaten start this season?

  2. Pardsey on HBA: "My view is that he can't play out wide. He has not got the relish for it and his best football comes through the middle."


    I agree with this like, one reason to play him wide is to protect him, but that's a bollocks reason anyway.


    Marveaux should be played on the left...

  3. This is what I like about Pardew...


    On Ben Arfa:


    "It is a horrible road to go down, with a long-term injury like that," he said. "He is in a good place right now.


    "He has been helped by the other new French boys. He has five or six French speakers around him now.


    "He likes the group and he trusts us. Now it is a matter of when he is ready. He shows flashes of brilliance in training, but I want him to do it more often in training before I bring him in.


    "My view is that he can't play out wide. He has not got the relish for it and his best football comes through the middle.


    "Realistically, he knows he has got more to do on the training ground. He smiles at me as if to say, 'OK, I will play next week.'


    "He has character and there are times in the coming weeks when if he has not made a start he will be kicking my door down."

  4. His best position is left midfield - no doubt. He's basically our only winger with good crosses on hand. When Santon is back, i'd love for Jonás to switch to the right, while Marveaux takes Jonás' place on the left.


    Wow, one of the first times we've shared the same opinion. We have both seen Marveaux playing in France though...

  5. Id start Jonas ahead of Obertan...personally i think we will get a good string of games out of Obertan then sell him tbh, not going to be a long term prospect for us...Jonas is older and i think is more settled and more likely to stay longer. Id rather get an XI sorted with Jonas...Obertan as in impact sub could be very handy too. Guessing alot of people disagree like but tis my personal thought


    Jonas isn't likely to stay longer at all. He'll be off in the summer I reckon.


    Completely agree, which is why they may be inclined to play Obertan and just hope he develops...

  6. Hmmm in relation to Cabaye thread where someone propose HBA as a trequarista a la messi (which i think is probably too ambitious atm) but wondering if this would allow Marveaux a better role, see



    Simp    Colo                taylor  Santon




              Cabaye          Marveaux


    Obertan            HBA              Gutierrez


    Marveaux is a winger, despite the claims of many of this boards members (who based their opinions of Marveaux on a collection of tweets from an English, Ligue 1 'journalist').


    Hatem Ben Arfa is no striker...


    Or on the multiple videos there are of him around the net, where he doesn't once get to the byline and put a cross over from the left, which is the phrase people initially took issue with when you said it.


    Not saying he never ever does it, or is incapable of doing it, but there are significantly more occasions on those clips where he's playing from the middle or cutting in from the right to either provide an assist or score a goal himself. Also a surprising number of good free-kick goals as well... and even a header from a corner.


    (This isn't all in one compilation, unfortunately, much of it you have to trawl an official Stade Rennais channel and wade through the interviews to find the clips.)


    The clips on the internet? Geeze. Not saying I've seen him play extensively, but YouTube is hardly something to judge a player on, is it? Whenever I saw Rennes games that he featured (mainly the season before last) he was basically one the touchline, and imo, this is where he played best. A lot of the time he did move inside (onto his right) he was dispossessed. I've not seem him play on the right, so can't comment.


    Personally, I'd like to see him used a winger, supplying Best with horizontal/diagonal passes, playing one-twos with HBA and laying the ball off for Cabaye...

  7. Hmmm in relation to Cabaye thread where someone propose HBA as a trequarista a la messi (which i think is probably too ambitious atm) but wondering if this would allow Marveaux a better role, see



    Simp    Colo                taylor  Santon




              Cabaye          Marveaux


    Obertan            HBA              Gutierrez


    Marveaux is a winger, despite the claims of many of this boards members (who based their opinions of Marveaux on a collection of tweets from an English, Ligue 1 'journalist').


    Hatem Ben Arfa is no striker...

  8. I'm struggling to understand your reasoning that Sports Direct should be a "side interest", it brings in what, 10 times the revenue? Obviously it makes large profits too, which NUFC doesn't...


    Why should Newcastle United and Sports Direct be associated? Because they are owned by the same person? Do all sports clubs owners associate the clubs they own with other organisations in their portfolio?


    The only thing that links NUFC and SD is Mike Ashley. Sports Direct isn't a local company, it has no historical ties to the club - why should we have to accept providing them with free advertising that stains our stadium? I wasn't trying to suggest that SD should be a side interest to Ashley, but why should the fans of this club be forced to support his brand?


    "to promote his side interest" So that's exactly what you were trying to suggest. ???


    That is the only reason for the association... Which is wrong. He is using NUFC to promote his own company, that is what I disagree with.


    The 2008 and 2009 accounts suggest NUFC paid SD £47,000 for the privilege of branding in SD! The concept that we are in fact 'supporting' SD is strengthened, when you consider the opportunity cost of not having a stadium sponsor that actually pays for advertising...

  9. I'm struggling to understand your reasoning that Sports Direct should be a "side interest", it brings in what, 10 times the revenue? Obviously it makes large profits too, which NUFC doesn't...


    Why should Newcastle United and Sports Direct be associated? Because they are owned by the same person? Do all sports clubs owners associate the clubs they own with other organisations in their portfolio?


    The only thing that links NUFC and SD is Mike Ashley. Sports Direct isn't a local company, it has no historical ties to the club - why should we have to accept providing them with free advertising that stains our stadium? I wasn't trying to suggest that SD should be a side interest to Ashley, but why should the fans of this club be forced to support his brand?

  10. If there are any oldies on here I wonder what the outcry was when the famous black and whites stripes had the first logo plastered bang in the middle of the shirt?


    As one who can remember no advertising hoardings,interviews with players/managers without multi sponored backdrops and that competition we're playing in tomorrow being called the League Cup I really can't see what the fuss is. Unsurprisingly nowadays it seems to be internet fans from Essex or somewhere who don't even attend SJP who have an issue rather than we long suffering Geordies who actually go to the match.

    In fact the only thing I've ever got vexed about (besides the shit we've had to put up with on the field) was when they flogged me a bond to my seat for 500 quid and a couple of years later turfed us out into inferior seats to make way for fashion fans who have since deserted. Imagine if the FCB tried to pull that stunt.

    No when Yohan rattles one in on Saturday I for one won't really give shit what is written on the roof, who has their name on our shirt or what the fack the league we play in is called this year.


    I assume that Essex comment was aimed at me.


    I'm sorry i'm not as apathetic as you.


    Sports Direct is a nasty, tacky brand - which has been accused of employing children and has people working in factories that do not meet international standards. I don't like Sports Direct on moral grounds, and the basis for me disagreeing with the branding of SJP them isn't just an aesthetic thing (SJP looks fucking ridiculous, btw).


    Then there's the small matter that there is no payment from Sports Direct to NUFC in last year's accounts. This too is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion. If you are cool with this, good for you. I disagree with Ashley using the football club I support, to promote his side interest (because in terms of NUFC, that's what Sports Direct should be).


    The degree of the 'crimes' are substantially different and I'm not comparing shameless branding of a football club with accusations of child labour. The problem is that it is the same man who oversees both organisations and does so with complete self-interest and without a degree of care for the people affected.


    Mike Ashley has ignored criticism over labour employment in much the same way he has ignored criticism of the way he runs our football club.

    By the way, it's not just 'internet fans from Essex' that have a problem with our club being used as a marketing tool for Sports Direct, you're clearly out of touch with your own people/city if you truly believe this.

  11. It (the anger) isn't about the unpopular decisions that are made by those at the top, it's the fact they constantly lie and be snide about everything they do. Same goes for Ashley and co. If we need to make cuts and do certain things just do it, and tell us your doing it. Stop dicking around and treating us like shit.



    Well said.

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