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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. Scolari has said that he is looking to trim the squad by seven players.


    Sidwell is the first, lets assume Lampard and Drogba will be second and third respectively. Shevchenko will probably be loaned out, maybe even sold. Ivanovic will probably go, can't see us going for him. If he chooses to sell Wright-Phillips I hope that we will at least show some interest, we've got to show we have aspirations to international players or how will we sign others in the future?


    At least it looks like we won't be getting any Chelsea knock-offs this summer.


    with spiderman and milner (who apprently wont be sold according to .com/shields gazzette), i cant see us going fro SWP


    I still think that we could be dragged in to the merry-go-round that has been mentioned before. Should Villa not be able to sign SWP or Bentley I am sure that they will come for Milner.

  2. Scolari has said that he is looking to trim the squad by seven players.


    Sidwell is the first, lets assume Lampard and Drogba will be second and third respectively. Shevchenko will probably be loaned out, maybe even sold. Ivanovic will probably go, can't see us going for him. If he chooses to sell Wright-Phillips I hope that we will at least show some interest, we've got to show we have aspirations to international players or how will we sign others in the future?


    At least it looks like we won't be getting any Chelsea knock-offs this summer.

  3. Would anyone on here honestly take £15m for him? I know I wouldn't


    Nor me.


    Don't want to sound rude but, what the f*** lads?


    £15m buys you what in 2008?


    he's our best player and brightest prospect by a mile. You dont sell those, and if you do, it's for stupid, stupid money


    If he really has a release clause of £13m and Arsenal bid that value, there isn't a lot we can do.

  4. As far as I know, de la Red is a playmaker, like Role Model said.


    Don't see why we would go for both de la Red and Aimar. I would much rather see us sign de la Red, far better player with bags of potential.

  5. Think Lampard will be off myself.


    Should probably cash in on him now anyway.


    Cash is the least of their thoughts tbh


    Replace then.  I still think to an extent it will be the value of the offer that will drive the decision.


    3 attacking midfielders anyone?

  6. Apparantly Liverpool are lining up a bid for Keane..


    If the numbers being suggested are anywhere near accurate, I wouldn't be devastated.  I still believe that Keane has only really played well with 1 striker (Berba) and looks less able with more arm waving with any others.  I'd have no complaints about Crouchie coming back either.


    Same here tbh. Liverpool would be retards to pay the amount thats been rumoured.



    Talksport just reported that Keane wants Liverpool move. He's not even in my first X1 for next seasdon anyway so cant really say i'm bothered.


    How could you not have a player who scored 15 league goals in your first team?

  7. Juninho came to this country at the age of 22, and had the time to adapt to the League. The Beardsley point is also invalid in my opinion because he was born and raised in this country, it's the only style of football he knew. I understand that Zola came at the age of 30, but Zola was an exceptional player.


    Aimar is not.

  8. I don't know why people think that the Prem is miles ahead of La liga. Ramos at right back would walk in to most prem teams, top class player.


    I reckon I could name ten right backs who are better defenders than Ramos.


    Agreed. I can't see how he plays in that position for Real Madrid.

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