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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. Arshavin may still be ours.


    He's the signing that will make the footballing world sit up and take notice of us. As Ashley was quoted in saying a while back that he would sign a superstar. Well we have our superstar now.


    Get real.

  2. Engelaar is good, but hasn't De Jong been doing the same job? He's 5 years younger as well.


    It would be far harder to sign De Jong imo, he is considered the backbone of the team at HSV by some.


    I did mention Engelaar in the summer targets thread the other day and personally think he would be a great addition to the squad.




    Some interesting responses.

  3. Walcott


    Eboue (God Forbid)




    I'd be delighted with that, and im sure Wenger would!

    If Hleb goes, a replacement WILL need to be found, i dont see that replacement as Arshavin though.


    I think Arshavin will replace Hleb. Unlike Nasri, Arshavin will bring experience to a young side, he's a better player as well.

  4. He's short, but certainly isn't soft. If he came to our club I would prefer to see him on the left in a 4-4-2, or on the left of our 4-3-3. Providing we sell Duff he would give N'Zogbia someone to both compete with and look up to.

  5. If we are going to take rumours seriously, it does seem as though it is only us and City interested. Arshavin probably knows this and with them chasing Ronaldinho and already having Elano and Petrov in the squad surely that puts us in pole position?




    "At the moment I cannot tell you anything new."


  6. Wullie don't forget "He'd never come here because Newcastle are a tiny laughing stock of a club, not capable of competing in the transfer market even with Boro".


    He isn't Luka Modric.


    He's the calibre of player that even we should be able to sign.

  7. Advocaat on Arshavin leaving Zenit "That will happen, I have no doubts about that and we will have to start again,"


    We have to show our interest in the player if we want to sign him. We will face competition from more attractive clubs and I just hope that we can offer the highest wages. That's all we have when we are competing with clubs that have European football next season.


    I'd hope we use more than purely wages as a tool when bargaining like. Like showing them the facilities, the potential, the future. Get Keegan to sell them the club and the area. Don't just throw money at them.


    Looks like he's definitely available then anyway. As per Arda; if we wanted him and we don't get him due to f***ing around then I'll not be pleased.


    We do have great training facilities, an incredible stadium and in my opinion one of the greatest cities in the world to sell to prospective players, but in modern football money is more important than ever. We will have to offer significantly higher wages than teams which are playing in a tournament that he won last season.

  8. Christ if Villa are a nothing club then what are we?


    Shiteam is that you ??


    Remind me who has finished above us over the past two seasons? Oh yeah, villa!


    A Whole two seasons ! Fantastic !


    Villa have a far more promising future than us.


    Do they s****.


    Right now they do.


    They have the much better squad, a stable manager, are in momentum and regaining lost respect in the footballing world.







    That was ultimately the point I was trying to prove.

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