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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Very worrying. Making the squad even smaller is just going to make things worse and youngsters are not the sort of player you need who can change the course of a relegation battle imo. It looks like a complete and utter mess if I'm honest.
  2. It's just Ashley trying to win favour back with the supporters. Won't work tbh.
  3. Parsley


    http://www.goal.com/resultsimg/8636.jpg Darren Osbourne http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/H/hollyoaks/images/gallery_images/07/week51/071219/071219_6_407.jpg Xisco http://www.hln.be/static/FOTO/pe/11/9/14/large_484169.jpg Screech Powers http://blog.bizzflip.com/bizzflipcom/images/2008/04/05/screech2.jpg Marouane Felliani
  4. Modric has looked good tonight.
  5. These last 2 games remind me of Keegan's first few in charge tbh, putting up a fight in the first half only to capitulate in the second - Villa and the Arsenal FA Cup game in particular were quite similar performance-wise.
  6. Some huge over-reactions on here tbh, to a win as well. We're not really in a position to be critical of the standard of football in the heat of a relegation battle and Kinnear has got us 2 draws against strong opposition and a win. To come out and knock that while calling for the man's head is just ridiculous imo. Take it for what it is and move on - the players have some confidence back now with a bit more space and hopefully won't drop deep like that again. Edit: Teasy beat me to it
  7. So good to see us playing well again Just need to keep playing with the same attitude.
  8. I can't see him ever realising that he needs to drop Butt. Keegan wouldn't drop Butt either to be fair. Never really had the options to. Kinnear at least now has Guthrie and Barton available to start. Not strictly true. Geremi can play centre mid as can N'Zogbia, both imo better options than Butt but Keegan never played them in the middle alongside Guthrie. Playing Geremi there is just as bad due to the fact neither can run. N'Zogbia is all over the place when he plays there. Geremi retains possession alot better than Butt and at least N'Zogbia is pacy and mobile.
  9. I can't see him ever realising that he needs to drop Butt. Keegan wouldn't drop Butt either to be fair. Never really had the options to. Kinnear at least now has Guthrie and Barton available to start. Not strictly true. Geremi can play centre mid as can N'Zogbia, both imo better options than Butt but Keegan never played them in the middle alongside Guthrie.
  10. I can't see him ever realising that he needs to drop Butt. Keegan wouldn't drop Butt either to be fair.
  11. Joe made mistakes yesterday but as long as he learns from them for Tuesday then we'll do ok. Plus we're at home so hopefully it'll be a more positive display.
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