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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Don't understand this point, it's what you do when your down by a goal near the end of a game. Even when it hasnt worked for the entire match? And continues to not work when you do it at every opportunity in the last 10 minutes? I rate Enrique but he pissed me off when he kept at it. Beye was overlapping though and was unfortunate to have Duff as his Wingman. Exactly, Enrique didnt have a Jonas in front of him to use so the long ball was the best option, rather than gving it to Butt or Cacapa inside him. Id see your point if something, in fact anything was coming off when he was playing the long ball. He was hitting it in the right areas and they were decent long balls but he should have been thinking 'hads on, this isnt working'...in spanish. The long ball gets the ball in and around those areas and there is more chance of us picking up a lucky bobble from the second ball. I am not a fan of long ball generally, but sometimes it is just needed. He would have probably had JK shouting him to launch it long as well. Agree, most teams would do the same in that sort of position.
  2. Pissed off. Deserved at least a draw, thought we played well in that second half and were by far the better team. Simply robbed by Cacapa's lunacy at the back. Ah well, a win against Wigan and we'll be back up there.
  3. Completely against the run of play and totally undeserved. We need to pick ourselves back up.
  4. Much better. Great ball in from Jonas and a half chance for Butt. Come on!
  5. Bad start but finished with a better spell I thought. Something to build on for sure and hopefully JFK will rally the troops for a strong comeback second half.
  6. Parsley


    He played well tonight and scored the goals - but 'best player at the club' he definitely ISN'T. When he has scored 20 goals a season for at least 2 seasons(provided he has been fit) THEN you can start making those sort of claims ; he isn't even the best STRIKER at the club Owen is, and has the International goals to go with it. At 24, he should be almost the finished article. Drogba, Ballack and Deco were far fom the finished article at 24 and only really came to prominance in their late 20's.
  7. Fantastic, absolutely brilliant. Really proud of the lads and you couldn't measure the grin on my face right now!
  8. madness Why? Ideally I wouldn't have them near the first team but they're cover and Premiership proven cover at that. routlage and mokena? i always find it hillarious when people mention players we should get because we have a thin squad that are no better than most of our reserve team. titus bramble is premiership proven cover, i wouldn't take him back though. Hardly in a position to be picky about players though are we?
  9. madness Why? Ideally I wouldn't have them near the first team but they're cover and Premiership proven cover at that.
  10. Daniel Sturridge looks like he has a lot going for him, could be really good competition for Oba up front. Would take Mokoena and Routledge in a heartbeat at the moment as well - not as first team players but they'd be very handy as squad additions iyam.
  11. Surely its in Ashley's best interest to invest in the club to keep its value though? Makes me wonder if he ever intended to leave in the first place.
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