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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Did alright, SWP and Richards gave him a really tough time and he coped ok for the most part. Would still prefer to see Enrique play at LB mind.
  2. Done very well that half to be fair.
  3. Styles' angle was his own fault for not keeping up with play and the change in ball direction showed Beye got a clear touch.
  4. I don't see why so many are upset with the performance tbh. Hardly the players fault we're behind is it ffs.
  5. Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire
  6. Just hoping for a good performance, not expecting us to taking any more than a point.
  7. He was absolute class in the second half I thought.
  8. Barton's back next game isn't he? Still banned for next game. Back for the Mackem match. Ah ok.
  9. I'd have been very happy with a point at Goodison with KK in charge tbh. Very good second half performance.
  10. Everton going for it it seems, Vaughn on for Pienaar.
  11. Great tackle from Colo there. He's been very good second half.
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