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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Boro are a good side but are also horribly inconsistant. We can nick a win if we play well and catch them on an off day. That said, I'll go for a 1-1 draw with Owen to score.
  2. With no end product though. Should be f***ing hammering it across goal there when everyone is two yards out. Gets a touch, goes in He's put some quality crosses in today tbf.
  3. Irishness. Has ever signed a foreign player for wimbeldon? Marcus Gayle and Robbie Earle don't count. Leonhardsen
  4. Denilson would never come here, he's virtually a regular for Arsenal. Diaby, Song or maybe Merida would be more realistic.
  5. Heard all the aggro was between Van Persie and Walcott from a couple of Arsenal supporting friends.
  6. 3 very good shouts. Onuoha would be good cover for Beye and Gelson would easily replace Butt.
  7. Can't understand why people want ANOTHER manager prior to a possible takeover where new owners will likely be getting their own man in anyway. Yes he pisses on JFK but our club needs some form of stability - another change in personnel will just baffle the team further. I'd take him as a long term appointment with a new structure/ownership but certainly not as another stop-gap just because he's better than what we have.
  8. This is my main concern. I think alot of half-decent managers could be relatively successful with a squad as talented as Chelsea's. That said, I quite like Grant and wouldn't be opposed to him as a manager. He seems a nice enough guy and got Chelsea playing with a bit more adventure than they did under Mourinho.
  9. A goal for Owen and an assist for N'Zogbia surely means they have to start next game.
  10. So would I. Wigan have played some good stuff this season, remember being very impressed at them against Chelsea.
  11. So of the yanks linked with buying us, Mark Cuban is the only one who hasn't been ruled out. More likely a mystery buyer who has kept his cards close to his chest. Paul Allen hasn't ruled himself out either I don't think.
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