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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I want us to sign the best players we can afford that can keep us in this division. I'm just not sure he is one of those. what for 800k, are you seriously taking the piss? That is a fairly expensive loan fee to be honest. at that price there could be alternatives, maybe not with the ability or track record, but with some talent and no tendency of going missing... right, name these players then or would prefer an amdy faye signing Cleverley, Wellbeck, Wilshere Danny Welbeck? Danny fucking Welbeck?!
  2. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What a fucking ball that was.
  3. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Just went on a wonder run for Marseille.
  4. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That was the only thing he got wrong tbh. The analysis of Jonas and Routledge sounds like it was written by someone with more than a hint of bias. Routledge is twice the player. The analysis of Carroll is more sugar-coated than a wedding cake. And he seems to have ignored the fact that we don't have a single decent RB in the squad. So you believe Routledge is top class? He's hardly lavished praise on Jonas either, just that he enjoys watching him, nothing at all wrong with that. Routledge is probably the closest thing we have to top class in the final third. I'd say he's the best we have in the final third, but still nowhere near 'top class'.
  5. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That was the only thing he got wrong tbh. The analysis of Jonas and Routledge sounds like it was written by someone with more than a hint of bias. Routledge is twice the player. The analysis of Carroll is more sugar-coated than a wedding cake. And he seems to have ignored the fact that we don't have a single decent RB in the squad. So you believe Routledge is top class? He's hardly lavished praise on Jonas either, just that he enjoys watching him, nothing at all wrong with that.
  6. Right, here's the summary that I said I'd do. I hope this doesn't come across as too negative because they did brilliantly well to make it to the Finals itself, let alone progress to the Quarter Final, which could quite easily have been a Semi Final. One thing that was glaringly obvious is the massive difference in technical ability between our side and the likes of Barca along with the South Americans. I know that may be obvious to most people any way but the difference really told. The attitude of our team compared to these is quite staggering. Whereas they would look to play it out from the back from a goal kick or when it was in the ‘keeper’s hands, we’d look to hoof it and more often than not, lose possession because of it. If ever we looked under pressure at the back, again we’d try and hoof it clear whereas the opposition would play a simple pass to somebody in space which created a counter-attack. We often struggled to compose ourselves and would panic trying to clear the ball, causing an error. That’s not having a go at the team by any means, it’s just how they’ve been coached. It kind of drives home everything that was said about England during the World Cup. As far as individuals go, there are a couple of really promising players in the side. As mentioned previously, Adam Campbell is the star of the team. He's a tenacious striker who I’d compare to Wayne Rooney, both in the way he plays and his attitude. He doesn't like losing and isn't afraid to make his feelings known. He has a really good turn of pace which causes defenders a lot of problems. Finished just about every chance he was given apart from one in the first game where he probably took the wrong option by going for the near post instead of the far post. Looked very composed though and you'd fancy him to bag many more times than not if through one-on-one. He's quite skilful too and holds the ball up well for someone who is fairly small in stature. He definitely has the quality to make it as a pro and I'd expect to see him play for the first team in years to come. Next up is Dan Hall, right back who was very solid and one of the more composed members of the squad. Really impressed me with his attitude as he wouldn’t give up on anything and would always try and make up for any error that he made. Solid in the air and difficult to get past. Didn’t get forward too much but looked comfortable enough when he did. Has a decent build and is quite strong too which should be a big asset for him. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him make it as a pro too. There are quite a few others who I reckon could come close to turning pro in the future but I’d like to see them again first before making a proper judgement. Aiden Grant, goalkeeper, made some decent saves and is huge for his age, towered over the full team and was taller than a few of the officials. The two centre backs, Ryan McKinnon and Alex Kitchen, looked like they could become decent players as they played relatively well overall but did lose their concentration a couple of times which led to them making an error. Mark Brereton sat in front of the back four and did a good job, tidy on the ball and a strong tackler. Did well under pressure most of the time and managed to turn his way out of trouble a couple of times too. Good passer of the ball although couldn’t really tell how advanced his range of passing was. Finally, there’s Esteban Cardona who played up front. Showed he has nice footwork and a bit of skill too. Not sure up front suits him really, would have liked to have seen him on the right wing as he seemed to have the pace to beat a man and could pick out a pass. Fairly sure it was his cross that ended up leading to our goal in the final game. Lost the ball a couple of times when he shouldn’t really have been given the pass in the first place but worked hard to track back and regain possession.
  7. Image 5. The number 15 is the guy on the left: http://www.manchesterunitedpremiercup.com/photo-gallery/2010/team-activities-87 Incidentally so we can have a positive ID for #6, if you were able to get a good look at him the boy in photos 2 and 3 is Sergi Samper. Yep, that looks like him. Barca won the Final 3-1.
  8. I'd be interested to know what Perch thought he was doing there.
  9. Shut up fucking moaning, it's boring.
  10. Think I've finally settled on a team. Managed to get an awesome midfield by taking a chance on a strikeforce full of Premier League debutants. Would ideally like to add Gareth Bale to my team too but struggling to find the spare cash to fit him in.
  11. Yep, that one. Guessing Sandro isn't black?
  12. Image 5. The number 15 is the guy on the left: http://www.manchesterunitedpremiercup.com/photo-gallery/2010/team-activities-87
  13. He mainly played on the wing but did drift inside a little too. He did tend to play very high up the pitch anyway.
  14. He impressed me and many others, including coaches and scouts, massively. He will be a world-class player, mark my words. Hope the Arsenal scout was out for a coffee when we played You shouldn't have any problem keeping hold of him, can't see why he'd want to leave as he's destined to be in and around your first team squad in the next couple of years. I know there was definitely a Chelsea scout there and a Blackburn one. I heard a couple of other guys with cockney accents who seemed to be scouts too. I'm fairly certain we had a scout there too which I'm pleased about, would have been criminal not to. I realise I've set myself up for a massive fall here by the way, bigging him up way too much but I think it's worthy. He's going to have a shitter tomorrow now though and I'll look like a right t***. Wouldn't mean much, the Messi-Piqué-Fàbregas squad didn't manage to win the trophy. But thanks for the appraisal, I have heard a lot about him but seeing a neutral dishing out this kind of praise is always exciting. You should try and catch the final tomorrow if you can, there are a few very promising players in the side. What is probably more impressive is how similar they play to the first team. I know that a structure should be in place for all academy sides to play in the same manner that the first team do but it doesn't always happen. That wasn't the case here though, it's so obvious who they take after. On a bigger pitch like it will be played on tomorrow, I can see you completely outclassing Pachuca. The number 9 (Jean Marie Dongou?) reminded me of Eto'o a little, really powerful and always got himself into good positions. Number 15 also looked superb, he's got a fantastic touch.
  15. He impressed me and many others, including coaches and scouts, massively. He will be a world-class player, mark my words. Hope the Arsenal scout was out for a coffee when we played You shouldn't have any problem keeping hold of him, can't see why he'd want to leave as he's destined to be in and around your first team squad in the next couple of years. I know there was definitely a Chelsea scout there and a Blackburn one. I heard a couple of other guys with cockney accents who seemed to be scouts too. I'm fairly certain we had a scout there too which I'm pleased about, would have been criminal not to. I realise I've set myself up for a massive fall here by the way, bigging him up way too much but I think it's worthy. He's going to have a shitter tomorrow now though and I'll look like a right twat.
  16. He impressed me and many others, including coaches and scouts, massively. He will be a world-class player, mark my words.
  17. Grrr... for the life of me can't find the squad we sent. I suppose the likes of Samper, Pol García, Pol Ballesté, Toral, Dongou, Ebwelle, Riera, Baldé are there, but dunno who's wearing #6. Your squad was as follows: Pol Ballesté Hector Bellerin Roger Riera Pol Garcia Alejandro Grimaldo Sergi Samper Keita Balde Pau Belana Huguet Jean Marie Dongou Jon Miquel Toral Alain Richard Edwelle E. Godswill Ekpolo Joseph Ondoa Simon Colina Sandro Ramirez Ivan Romano The number 6 sat in front of the back four if that helps? Might be Sergi Samper, plays there and is highly rated. Sixth name on the squad list, you may be right. I know that our squad list had the players in numerical order but didn't know if it was the same for all of the teams. I tried to listen out for any names being shouted and the Barca ones didn't seem to match up but I wouldn't say that was conclusive! You're more than likely correct to be honest.
  18. Grrr... for the life of me can't find the squad we sent. I suppose the likes of Samper, Pol García, Pol Ballesté, Toral, Dongou, Ebwelle, Riera, Baldé are there, but dunno who's wearing #6. Your squad was as follows: Pol Ballesté Hector Bellerin Roger Riera Pol Garcia Alejandro Grimaldo Sergi Samper Keita Balde Pau Belana Huguet Jean Marie Dongou Jon Miquel Toral Alain Richard Edwelle E. Godswill Ekpolo Joseph Ondoa Simon Colina Sandro Ramirez Ivan Romano The number 6 sat in front of the back four if that helps?
  19. Lost 2-1. Campbell scored again even though it took a deflection on the way in.
  20. Just got back. Will do a full summary/report tomorrow. If anyone has access to MUTV, watch the final tomorrow. Barca are a class above and their number 6 is going to be an amazing player.
  21. Finished 3-1. Final game is at 17.30, think Man Utd won though so won't be against them. Looking forward to watching Barca this afternoon.
  22. 3-1. Ball over the top not cleared by the defence allowing their striker a clear run through on goal. Nobody was bringing that lad down, he's a beast!
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