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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Ameobi hits new low

    mackems.gif Thick as pig shit. Seriously, what a dopey twat.
  2. Get the fuck out of this thread.
  3. Thought we really bottled it in the last half hour. Played as if we were happy with a point, wouldn't be surprised if Kinnear is chuffed he got one. I'd be seriously, seriously worried about his mental health if he was.
  4. I'm sick of HTT. Seriously. I nearly changed his avatar last night. To what? Just do it now. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/2000869536009464266_rs.jpg mackems.gif
  5. Read the first paragraph and closed the link. What a fucking load of bollocks.
  6. Hi, Joe. Well he's clearly not going to get a look in and is going to be sold as soon as someone comes up with a £3m bid. You're spot on, Dave and unfortunately I agree that is what will happen.
  7. He's due back this month. I really hope so. Kinnear said he'd had a setback and was now out until March not so long back.
  8. Hopefully nobody puts a bid in for him so Kinnear can't sell him. With a bit of luck, we'll get a decent manager in for next season who'll give him a go.
  9. That's from a Hull fan posted on the rugby league forum I use. mackems.gif
  10. Ash

    Six million quid

    Rather him than Kinnear...
  11. Ash

    Six million quid

    This had better be bullshit. We can't afford to sell three players, no matter who they are.
  12. Scroll up this thread he has & you will see Nile is/has been getting pissed in London, while the 1st team have been training for the game at Hull. I am sure Nile will play against Bolton for the reserves on Monday. Haven't they had a lot of the week off too?
  13. Why is that on Tottenham's club page?
  14. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/01/02/joe-kinnear-pledges-to-help-develop-youngsters-72703-22592229/ I've read that three times now and I still can't decide if it means he wants to protect him by not playing him at all or giving him the odd 20 minutes.
  15. This really is depressing.
  16. No thanks. Much rather see Krul given a shot.
  17. This really worries me too.
  18. Fucking hell. Really hope he doesn't sign for Spurs and inparticular that cunt Redknapp. That would be the ultimate kick in the bollocks.
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