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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Aye the Sun carried the Headline Gerrard "victim" They already have him cleared of all charges. It's a complete joke. Hypocrisy at its finest.
  2. I'd fucking love it if he came off the bench and scored the winner.
  3. Where do you live? Whitley Bay / Monkseaton but I could be somewhere a bit closer if you needed me to be. Doesn't bother me as I'm not going.
  4. Still out? b******. I thought he'd have made this one with Kinnear saying he was about 50/50 to play in the Wigan game. “Beye’s on crutches and you’d think he’s going to be out at least three weeks. “Viduka’s got a torn groin muscle, and I’d think he would be at least three weeks as well. “Oba Martins will be at least two weeks minimum. “We already know Joey Barton is down, and with Nicky Butt going down against Liverpool, who knows what the team will be at Hull? “I can’t see any of the injured players coming back. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2008/12/29/newcastle-set-for-hectic-transfer-window-kinnear-72703-22566437/ Hadn't seen that, cheers. Given Taylor - Coloccini - Bassong - N'Zogbia Jonas - Geremi - Guthrie - Duff Xisco - Owen Subs: Harper, Edgar, Kadar, Doninger, Lua Lua, Carroll, Ameobi Why people continue to pick Xisco in their starting line up ahead of Carroll, Ameobi ( Late fitness test ) or anyone is beyond me. He has played a few times and has been worse than Rossi was from what I have seen. Its strongly rumored he was so rubbish its part of the reason Keegan went mental and left. Kinnear obviously doesn`t rate him either. Carroll and Ameobi have at least been average this season. I reckon at a guess Ranger would be more worthy of a place in the team than Xisco So because you've only seen him a few times and in your opinion is worse than Rossi, again based on seeing him a few times, he shouldn't be given a chance? I'll base my opinion of him and the reason for putting him in the starting line up on more than a few games. It's the FA cup aswell.. we don't have the squad depth to play our best possible XI week in week out as just a few injuries have shown us. Plus it'd give him a chance to prove himself worthy of some kind of first team place. He's a decent player from what I saw from his last season in La Liga. I highly doubt the reason that Keegan walked out was because he was 'so rubbish' Yeah sorry he is the next Raul with his 1 goal to 2 games ratio in the Canary Islands 2nd divsion when he was 20 yrs old. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1052723/Xisco-Dont-blame-Keegan-farce--I-just-want-score-Newcastle.html Xisco's signing is believed to have been a major factor in Keegan's resignation after Newcastle's director of football Dennis Wise and his assistant Tony Jimenez organised the deal for the striker. http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/sundaysun/2008/09/05/the-reasons-why-kevin-keegan-resigned-72703-21681798/ He certainly made it clear that he was not interested in the signing of Spanish Under-21 international Xisco. How many times has Jk used him since he was back from injury too ? I stick by what I said, My opinion is not based just on what little we have all seen of him but by that, 2 managers opinions and what I have read about him stats etc I feel Carroll and Ameobi are better suited to the Prem. The FA Cup is more physical too. More research needed. Keegan didn't want him, does that mean he's rubbish? Maybe it was because he was pissed off he didn't have a say in the transfer rather than the quality of the player? Kinnear also stated he was pissed off with Xisco in training when he first arrived because he couldn't speak the best English at the time and was struggling to understand what he wanted him to do. That could be a huge factor why Xisco hasn't been given a chance.
  5. If he's found guilty I really hope he gets sent down. Would love to see the press try and squirm their way out of that one.
  6. Still out? b******. I thought he'd have made this one with Kinnear saying he was about 50/50 to play in the Wigan game. “Beye’s on crutches and you’d think he’s going to be out at least three weeks. “Viduka’s got a torn groin muscle, and I’d think he would be at least three weeks as well. “Oba Martins will be at least two weeks minimum. “We already know Joey Barton is down, and with Nicky Butt going down against Liverpool, who knows what the team will be at Hull? “I can’t see any of the injured players coming back. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2008/12/29/newcastle-set-for-hectic-transfer-window-kinnear-72703-22566437/ Hadn't seen that, cheers. Given Taylor - Coloccini - Bassong - N'Zogbia Jonas - Geremi - Guthrie - Duff Xisco - Owen Subs: Harper, Edgar, Kadar, Doninger, Lua Lua, Carroll, Ameobi Why people continue to pick Xisco in their starting line up ahead of Carroll, Ameobi ( Late fitness test ) or anyone is beyond me. He has played a few times and has been worse than Rossi was from what I have seen. Its strongly rumored he was so rubbish its part of the reason Keegan went mental and left. Kinnear obviously doesn`t rate him either. Carroll and Ameobi have at least been average this season. I reckon at a guess Ranger would be more worthy of a place in the team than Xisco So because you've only seen him a few times and in your opinion is worse than Rossi, again based on seeing him a few times, he shouldn't be given a chance? I'll base my opinion of him and the reason for putting him in the starting line up on more than a few games.
  7. For fuck's sake, it just gets better. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/fa_cup/7803280.stm
  8. There's something about her ma... Wonder what that is?
  9. If six blokes beat me up then I'd expect police involvement. If it was one bloke and I just had minor cuts and bruises I wouldn't bother reporting it - in fact its happened to me. By the sounds of it, it was three people involved in this incident so surely police involvement is appropriate?
  10. Having said that a bloke being punched and losing a tooth is for me a ridiculous thing to be jailed for. I think assault should go beyond that (probably resulting in unconciousness as a starting point) before jail is involved. So if you had seven shades of shit beaten out of you but it didn't result in unconsciousness, you'd be happy for the person/people involved not to be imprisoned?
  11. Third paragraph down. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1501873,00.html “But at least Sebastien Bassong is free from suspension next week." http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2008/12/29/newcastle-set-for-hectic-transfer-window-kinnear-72703-22566437/ Trust Kinnear to add some confusion to the matter.
  12. Still out? b******. I thought he'd have made this one with Kinnear saying he was about 50/50 to play in the Wigan game. “Beye’s on crutches and you’d think he’s going to be out at least three weeks. “Viduka’s got a torn groin muscle, and I’d think he would be at least three weeks as well. “Oba Martins will be at least two weeks minimum. “We already know Joey Barton is down, and with Nicky Butt going down against Liverpool, who knows what the team will be at Hull? “I can’t see any of the injured players coming back. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2008/12/29/newcastle-set-for-hectic-transfer-window-kinnear-72703-22566437/ Hadn't seen that, cheers. Given Taylor - Coloccini - Bassong - N'Zogbia Jonas - Geremi - Guthrie - Duff Xisco - Owen Subs: Harper, Edgar, Kadar, Doninger, Lua Lua, Carroll, Ameobi
  13. Still out? Bastard. I thought he'd have made this one with Kinnear saying he was about 50/50 to play in the Wigan game.
  14. If Oba plays, we win, in my opinion of course. They're dreadfully slow, as was shown against Man City on Boxing Day. Their defence would shit themselves with Oba running at them. I reckon Lua Lua would be a decent option coming off the bench too. I hope Guthrie will handle the pressure placed on him with the 'reception' they're planning for him.
  15. The way Liverpool line up with the two holding players allowing Gerrard to play a free role is really impressive. They found so much space today it was unreal (fair enough, they were only up against Nicky Butt, still impressive though). If we could make the right types of signings in January/the summer along with some of the players we currently have at the club, could we make it work? Would it work better with or without Owen? Would Jonas work well in the free role? This season: Guthrie - New player Jonas - Owen - N'Zogbia Martins Next season: Barton/New player - Barton/New player Jonas/Barton?/New player - Jonas/New player - N'Zogbia Martins One of our major weaknesses as a team, probably the biggest in fact, is our complete lack of movement. I think this could solve that problem with a couple of new signings. I really like this system and think if we could find the right types of players to play the roles requried (the free role arguably the most important) it could be very effective for us. I think Barton would suit this style of formation, as would Jonas as he could drift inside if playing on the right of the attacking three, or roaming if he was given the central role of the three. Guthrie would also provide good back-up for the holding role. Another option could be to push Coloccini up as a holding man if we could bring in another quality centre back. Another key question is who could we realistically sign to fill the void postions? Inler is someone we've been linked with a fair bit and would do a good job. Anybody else like this formation/think we could make it work?
  16. Ash

    Jonas Gutierrez

    If Jonas is falling way below your standards I'd love to know how you feel about the rest of the team.
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