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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. If Hughton gets sacked for those reasons, I will cease to support Newcastle United Football Club until such time as Mike Ashley has been replaced with a much better chairman.
  2. What a bunch of dicks. Found that quite funny, tbh.
  3. Agreed, he's simply not good enough. Would be good to shift him in Jan, seem to have enough cover at right back and right wing now. I still think he can have a role to play coming off the bench, 1-0 down with 20mins to go, who would you rather have in the squad taking corners and freekicks? Even if he does nothing else... You're making out like he takes set pieces like Beckham. He isn't good enough defensively to see out a lead. Compared to other players in our team, he does take set pieces like Beckham! How many other players have actually scored freekicks in their career? Ryan Taylor obviously has several, can't think of any others, maybe Barton has scored one, but I don't remember him scoring any... Guthrie scored one last season against WBA. Was a beauty, that one.
  4. ChrisMcQuillan

    LOL at Lolro

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9141736.stm Talking a lot of sense on Football Focus here.
  5. I wonder if he takes it literally as an offer?
  6. Sounds like Carroll's being allowed to move out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-11658291
  7. That's why we did play some brilliant football against Wigan. I'd agree with you, if I hadn't seen that match. Edit: Oh... think I've quite misread your post here.
  8. We're better as a team with him than without.
  9. If someone gets injured by him, Tiote will just decapitate him with the force of a perfectly legal slide tackle.
  10. Best performance in a competitive game for us.
  11. Was awful tonight. Definitely needs a loan.
  12. Smith was definitely booked for the tackle in the first half, BBC confirmed that. But no one seems to have noticed the second. My mate beside me saw Smith push the ref, and get booked after the Williamson goal. No one else was doing anything to merit a card, but no agencies or stats groups seem to have actually noticed it. There was 100% a card waved in the air at Smith after the goal. Smith kept having a go at him afterwards, and I thought he was going to head off down the tunnel. But when no one made him, it looked like he just stayed on.
  13. Nobody was booked after a goal. Smith and Barton were booked for us. Smith did get booked twice which was typical of a terrible refereeing performance. He went over to complain after the 2nd goal and softly shoved the ref, he was promptly booked. As for racist singing in east corner, I didn't hear anything at that's where my seat is.... unles calling mackems is now classed as racist? Yet every television network, sports website, journalist and the majority of fans missed it? I think you're barking up the wrong street mate. I'm just stating what I saw mate, at the match... I haven't seen any TV etc.... My eyes must be playing tricks on me....?!? but I did see it.... He stormed past Williamson, who was having a go at the ref and shoved him (not hard like) and I thought, f*ck he's in trouble here, you can't touch the ref... then he showed him the yellow... Yes, I saw exactly the same. A card was brandished after the second goal at someone. I dunno at who, but definintely. Again, dunno if it was on the TV, but I saw a yellow from the Gallowgate end.
  14. 0-3 Bent (pen) Bent (pen) Bent (pen) Carroll's leg broken by Cattermole in a cynical challenge in their penalty area, but Cattermole goes unpunished.
  15. Smith got booked in the first half for the tackle out wide. After the goal, he complained, touched the ref, and another yellow was shown. There were definitely two yellows, I think both to Smith, but the BBC only showed one card as being shown to anyone online.
  16. I'm sorry, bur again, did no one notice Smith getting booked TWICE?!
  17. If he's getting the sack, it would the biggest act of lunacy since Ashley arrived. And that's saying something.
  18. Its very difficult to get tickets for a lot of areas atm, so there's no way this is under 20k.
  19. ChrisMcQuillan

    Joey Barton

    If Barton stays injury free this season, I think we can expect him to be a real success by the end of the year.
  20. Nolan's Captaincy skills are really not to be underestimated. He IS a leader, and the change was notable when he didn't play against Wigan. It is true that he's hardly a Gerrard contributor, but if the rest of the team are good enough to carry him, the team will be better as a whole with him and he'll chip in with a few goals.
  21. Perch is so much worse than Simpson. And Simpson is below average. At least he knows who's around him.
  22. I think it's fairly blatant that Ameobi's in goals, and Krul will play right wing in a 4-5-1.
  23. Stopped reading there. The rest of it is quite funny tbf.
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