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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. Leicester got Man City. The shit musicians favourite teams.
  2. These 'guests' have the charisma and imagination of a dead fly.
  3. Thought Simpson gave a very mature, collected performance today as well.
  4. Krul - 7 Simpson - 7 Taylor - 7 Campbell - 8 Enrique - 7 Routledge 7.5 Guthrie - 6.5 Tiote - 7 Jonas - 6 Shola - 4 Carroll - 7 Ranger - 7 All round decent. Campbell MOTM for me, followed by Routledge.
  5. BBC News frontpage shows them clearing out St James Park. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
  6. I reckon Kadar would be ahead of Perch in the order of things.
  7. As much as i'm not a fan of Taylor, that's a daft statement. Williamson's ability amounts to little, he just does Ok with the basics. And he's only had 14 games at this level in his career, in almost half of those games he's looked iffy. Tbf, it's only the last 3 or so he's looked a bit shaky.
  8. You can't have been watching very long. He's bad, but we've had far worse. I haven't been watching Newcastle as long as 99% on here, but I know that I can safely say he's the worst player I've seen play for us in my time. Absolutely no hyperbole either, comfortably the worst. Rozehnal, Cacapa and Butt were worse in recent years, to name but a few. Not defending Smith, cause he was awful today.
  9. If I see Guthrie on the right again, I will run into the dugout and punch Hughton to death.
  10. Krul Simpson Campbell S. Taylor Enrique Routledge Tiote Nolan Jonas Carroll Ameobi
  11. Of course, BBC don't mention there's doubts about the validity of the penalty either.
  12. I think we could be just above the bottom three by Christmas. Truth is, we've been boxing above our weight. Take away Villa and Sunderland, which are exceptional circumstances, then you only really have the 1-0 against Everton and against Arsenal to actually say we did very well at. Ben Arfa's crocked, and he gave us the Everton win, so we can't rely on that talent again. Our results have been very worrying against our relegation rivals, and with no investment in January we will be in a relegation scrap this season again.
  13. There's nobody else to pick from. Exactly. But we've shot ourselves in the foot with stupid fucking suspensions and Hughton needs to sort that out. It's Ashley's job to get in some decent players, but he won't. I hate this club sometimes.
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