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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. Which one of you is Simon Bird? 'I am.' You're a... person.
  2. Aye, and we were s*** once he came on. Yep, just scored two goals.
  3. Yeah, cause dropping him on Saturday worked wonders...
  4. This has been a really odd day.
  5. Giving him a different T shirt to wear, that'll teach him. Don't care if it teaches him, I don't want him being the number 9 of this club anymore.
  6. Since relegation, he's had 15 goals from 30 appearances. Factor in the Premiership season before that, and he's got 19 goals from 52 appearances.
  7. Otherwise frustrating, otherwise what?? What more do you want from a wide player? Jonas got himself into loads of promising positions that he could, and really should, have made much more of. Positions that were spoiled by poor decisions. I recall Carroll free in the box, waiting for the pass, and Jonas just stood there until he got tackled. Yes, he got two assists, but he had been poor beforehand. Tbf, I think Wigan's tactic was to stifle the left wing for us, as Enrique and Jonas' movement was much more limited when Wigan doubled up on them. Lovenkrands should have been coming wide to support, like Carroll did after Ameobi was brought on. So I guess it's not entirely Jonas' fault, but there were moments today when he should have done better. Still love the guy. And as for all the Williamson hate, it was a bit obscure that he didn't get the jump right - he's so consistent in the air usually. I'm not sure Perch was doing just standing there either, contributing nothing.
  8. God, if they renamed the Gallowgate...
  9. Krul - 7 - I like how he's always in a hurry to restart play. Perch - 3 - Awful. Williamson - 5 - His weakest game for us to date, I think. Still decent. Coloccini - 8 - <3 Enrique - 7 - Dallied a lot with Jonas on the left, but put in some good deliveries and as ever was strong defensively. Guthrie - 5 - Meh Barton - 4 - Poor. Tiote - 7 - Beast. Jonas - 7 - Two assists. Otherwise frustrating. Carroll - 5.5 - Didn't do much, but then didn't have many options. Lovenkrands - 3 - Very poor. Ameobi - 7 - Looked like a good finish, and worked hard when on. Routledge - 6 - Better than Guthrie, and improved team shape. Ranger - N/A - Didn't notice him touch the ball.
  10. I'm in love with Enrique.
  11. Okay, just back from the game, so quickly: Pros: Coloccini amazing. Tiote very good. Routledge decent when he came on. Enrique <3 Cons: Lovenkrands and Guthrie were not up to it. Guthrie's probably sharpness related, but Lovenkrands was worryingly bad. Think Ronaldo might have called this one correctly. Barton had a poor game. Perch was dire, though made one or two decent blocks. Ryan Taylor WOULD be better. We cannot seem to play 4-4-2 anymore. The midfield were lost until we moved Guthrie back inside. Ambience at the stadium was woeful. Can't blame the fans, given the monstrosity that's appeared on the Gallowgate roof. Carroll's positioning was woeful, but he improved when he had Ameobi on to support him. Lack of real team spirit without Nolan or Smith barking orders. Coloccini is too quiet as Captain, love him though I do.
  12. Single-handedly responsible for the eerily quiet atmosphere inside the ground today, even before kick off.
  13. Everyone get your money on a postponed game or abandonment.
  14. If you're going to drop Routledge, they should put Guthrie on the right. Mean delivery for Carroll.
  15. Am I the only one wondering why he is in Tunisia? Surely he should be spending time recovering with the best doctors/physiotherapist which I doubt would be in Tunisia? Well he can't really just start his "recovery" yet, it's not long at all after the injury There's essential healing time in the immediate aftermath of the injury in which not much rehabilitation can feasibly be done. Most likely he is visiting family, and spending some down time out there. Fully deserved, after the psychological trauma of the injury. He'll need to rebuild mentally before he can begin physically.
  16. 3 - 0 win. Ameobi, Barton and Routledge. Reason being is this: Blackpool was a blip. We outplayed them, were maybe a little complacent, but we deserved the win. Stoke came to win as many throw ins as possible, and play anti-football. We've held our own against any good football playing team so far this season. Wigan aren't dirty, they're not overly physical, and I don't think they'll be able to cope with us at SJP where we're not as bad as anyone is making out. They'll play some good football, but so will we. Even without Ben Arfa, Barton and Tiote is the best midfield we've had in ages, and Gutierrez and Routledge are good enough to keep us up. Barring another shit referee (and we're due one that doesn't at least try to kill our team again) we should bag a win here.
  17. I've said it's corrupt for quite a long time. Today's just further proof.
  18. I love how everyone's just forgotten about Leon Best. He's back in training.
  19. We've been so hard done by over the years with some decisions, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I'd only hate it if we became a dirty, diving team. A one off I could stomach.
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