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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. of course you do! that's what being a fan is all about
  2. never bought anything from Castore, yet I've somehow ended up on their Rangers mailing list. another fuck up from these complete jokers.
  3. have a look at Manure's partners - https://www.manutd.com/en/partners/global "Official Global Mattress and Pillow Partner of Manchester United" we're operating like a proper club s'all
  4. unintentionally hilarious
  5. “clear and obvious” what a fucking joke that is.
  6. they seem determined to ruin this beautiful game of ours.
  7. the kid looks like the real deal, so would be mint to get him a start and some proper minutes under his belt. sneaky feeling today might be his day!
  8. Isak out wide and Schar in DM please Eddie you clueless fuck.
  9. I’m feeling charitable today, so will be having several pints of Wor Beer pre-match in Tilley’s. it feels good to give back.
  10. so brave Palace fans, well done cant even remember what they done, the irrelevant Pardew worshipping whoppers
  11. bang on. it’s a complete loser mentality to think otherwise. bring it the fuck on, we’re coming for them and they are shitting themselves!
  12. same shit we heard when the January window closed. it’s almost as if some people never learn.
  13. Moura would be class! get him signed up boys. btw is it just me who finds this extremely enjoyable? after the Ashley era of no hope pointlessness, this is just so refreshing.
  14. still think we’ll do a bit of business today. but regardless, it’s been a fantastic window for us all things considered. and that’s coming from someone who had a new CM top of their wish list. got to give Howe, the owners and all of the staff a lot of credit. we’ve strengthened the first team significantly, and made some top signings, both in terms of ability and character.
  15. you did say pre-Isak, and that was quite clearly ASM - Wilson - Miggy
  16. I’m confident now. we’re winning this!! we might draw or lose too though. hard to call.
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