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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. is that going to be there permanently? hope so because it looks class!
  2. Big River


    he’s a lot better than McTominay.
  3. god I would absolutely love it if they got Emery another reason to dislike them after he bottled coming here, his stinking football, and mistreatment of the King.
  4. we’re fucking class and it’s all down to this man. what a bloke. he is without question the real fucking deal. remember when he was getting called a glorified PE teacher people were so wrong about him and his supposed deficiencies. put some respect on his name.
  5. Wilson isn't play very well, in fairness. the rest is horseshit though, we could have scored 3 or 4 quite easily the other night.
  6. was such a comfortable win. 1-0 massively flattered them in the end. I also didn't think they looked that bad, just no cutting edge. thought Gueye looked really good for them, he ran the show for large parts of the second half. wouldn't mind him here, to sit and free up Bruno a bit.
  7. who is that daft cunt? looks like his breath stinks
  8. I can't see how we're not winning this game. Everton are toilet, we're class.
  9. the quality off our bench... we're missing key players and still manage to be a bloody good team. the future is very, very bright HOWAY THE LADS!
  10. people keep buying this shite though. the amount of wrong uns in town with Castore clobber on is obscene. somehow paying £90 for a hoodie and it not being a disaster is seen as a win to some.
  11. anyone who buys that needs their head and hard drive checking.
  12. it's going to be a great day when we bin Fun88 and Castore
  13. wonder if our was shirt considered "sacrosanct" pre-1980
  14. no worries mate! thanks for sharing when you could, and top marks for letting us know the score and not just pretend you're still ITK like some people do.
  15. I'd be bringing Targett in for sure. but Eddie knows what he's doing, so he can crack on with whatever really.
  16. it feels inevitable, but with the amount of money other networks are willing to shovel their way, maybe not.
  17. yeah, not sure either tbh. but some sort of partial ballot + points never expiring might help reduce the number of people doing it though. technology could help here. points are only activated once your ticket has been scanned on the turnstile.
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