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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Just seen B'burn's 2nd goal. Gamst Pedersen is a cheating cunt of the highest order. Despicable twat.
  2. Is it over the top- I rekon Its the least Ive cared about a defeat in 40 years. Litterally not bothered. Its not apathy- cos my confidence in what pardew is doing is as high as almost any other time in that 40 years- only behind KK, SBR. despite Ashley etc. Feel exactly the same
  3. Well, I don't have a problem with what the rule itself aims to achieve. Say Aguero did not touch the ball and Toure came storming in and had a chance at goal, it's fair do's as Toure made the effort to get on the end of a ball, starting from an onside position. What I do have a problem with is say Toure did get to the ball, Aguero should then not be involved in play until he was behind the defence again (back in an onside position), as he had gained an advantage being there starting from an offside position. The offside player should be completely neutralized and not allowed to take part in the attack until they have gone back into an onside position. One solution is for the player to plop down on their ass and hold their hand up while play continues
  4. How do we know that? Ba and Ben Arfa have played one PL game together. Well we have quite a few examples of how well these two work together. IMO Best will be even better with HBA, but Ba is our top scorer and shouldn't be dropped on current form. I agree that we haven't seen enough of HBA and Ba together, but I'm not sure OT is the place to try it. You're right, the Etihad stadium was the place to try it,and they did well against the best team in the country,both had chances. All this clamour to fit Leon Best back in the team is making my eyes burn, we should give Ba and Ben Arfa a chance to work because they're better players. Dude, you're right. It worked to a certain extent, and with a bit of luck, it would have been a resounding success. I may be a bit biased towards Best as I think he's the dog's bollocks. My favorite forward at the club at the moment, and I think he's a bit underrated by our own fans.
  5. How do we know that? Ba and Ben Arfa have played one PL game together. Well we have quite a few examples of how well these two work together. IMO Best will be even better with HBA, but Ba is our top scorer and shouldn't be dropped on current form. I agree that we haven't seen enough of HBA and Ba together, but I'm not sure OT is the place to try it.
  6. --------------------------Krul Simpson------Taylor---------Coloccini------Santon -------------------Cabaye----Tiote ---Obertan--------------------------------Jonas -----------------------Ba-------Best Really need to take the game to them. Love Ben Arfa to get the nod at right wing if Obertan isn't fit. Wouldn't even mind SAmeobi either tbh. Whoever plays in that position will have to be really focused and disciplined in tracking back when we don't have the ball. Best and Ba are our best front pairing, so both must start if fit imo.
  7. Ba should have just scored the chance in all honesty. Yup. Anywhere but the middle of the goal would have done.
  8. I don't see Coloccini, Krul, Saylor, Jonas, Cabaye, Guthrie or Sammy doffing any caps either. Reckon they all played well first half.
  9. What an absolutely fantastic miss from Gervinho
  10. I have lots of time and love for Jonas. Such an honest and down to earth individual Also great to hear about what's happening behind the scenes.
  11. Cannot fucking wait for this now! All I ask is that we give a good account of ourselves as an outfit. Anything better than a defeat is a massive massive bonus.
  12. Time for this lad to step up to the plate now. With the match being where it is an added incentive. Hope he starts and goes all out like a man possessed. There's a fairytale to be written here.
  13. Excellent win for my birth nation woo! Couldn't get to watch the match, were Lebanon relatively impressive? They were quite good away in Kuwait! Hope this means we're more likely to qualify now! Lebanon were very impressive. I don't know how they've randomly become so good. Usual comments about deliberately s*** pitch/fans with laser pointers/arab refs sticking up for their bros apply though. Gotcha You should be alright to go through though obviously
  14. Excellent win for my birth nation woo! Couldn't get to watch the match, were Lebanon relatively impressive? They were quite good away in Kuwait! Hope this means we're more likely to qualify now!
  15. I reckon it's way too soon. Surely he deserves one, but in 20 years' time. Either way, should definitely be a mold of him celebrating his record breaking goal at home to Portsmouth.
  16. Parker's off the ball energy is his best asset imo. Other than that it's pretty much: "Got the ball, right, now pirouette" "Now what!? I know! Pass" "Fuck it, pirouette, nice and easy" "Pass? fuck it, spin me round and round I'm good at this lark" "Right, now for the pa.....oh fuck...track back now" Rinse and repeat
  17. Aye, that's what it boils down to for me.
  18. I think there's a fine line between "not minding the name change because I'm detached from the history side of things", and "I don't want to let the name change bother me now, as I'm more bothered about keeping the good results coming by keeping the harmony and support going on matchday". I think you'll find the large majority fall in the latter.
  19. The name gets more and more hideous everyday. I have a proposal! NO can make it a banning offense to call St James' Park by its new name, so these ugly 3 new words put together, when referring to the great SJP will incur a short symbolic ban. The idea is to make it a point to ALWAYS refer to SJP as SJP in any context, even when posting news stories, people will have to edit out the new stadium name and replace it with SJP etc..
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