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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. couldn't have happened to a bigger wanker cunt
  2. probably summoned him up in a sceance
  3. We're probably safe for a week or so, he'll not want to come on here while were doing OK and have to eat humble pie. are you saying that we're gonna lose next week?? fucking doom merchant
  4. Arise Sir Conjunctivitis top post
  5. good news this kid is talented, but not talented enough. hope they'll appreciate his honest game over there good luck Shola now for his replacement
  6. exactly what i think too! he provided what was a bottle-neck in their attack. they only managed to get somewhere when they managed to get past him
  7. nice stat!! im actually quite interested, where did u find it?
  8. He's balls. i disagree there.....nuthin but net!!
  9. It's a futile argument tbh. We can go on about who was missing from the Man U line-up all day, and still can't say for certain we wouldn't have got the same result (or better even) had the obvious players been on the pitch. You can only play what's in front of you, and the game was between NUFC and Man Utd, two football clubs. Who was on the pitch is irrelevant, and history books will say that the game ended 1-1, with the two sides sharing the points.
  10. Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud Err we've failed in our bid according to the sunday sun! the sunday sun and the monday moon can both suck my cock ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud is coming
  11. Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud
  12. There was one of the papers that did an interactive thing like that of the game, telling you running distances, speed, where the playw as focussed etc. It was either the telegraph or the Guardian but Ic an't findit now. Ok. Cheers. I will try to make a new serch and see if i can find anything. Send me the link if you find it and I will do likewise. i'll show you mine if you show me yours
  13. don't even f***ing start What the hell's your problem?! It's a forum so i will "f***ing start" to discuss issues/topics/points of interest at my leisure. I'm not getting involved in an internet argument with you as that's just lameo. If you have an actual constructive view that engages with the facts then please respond. If not, read the post and move on. The fact is, out of Keegan's very own mouth, he said Wise and Jimenez told him they'd got Jonas in, and so he then went to look him up. Also, Keegan hadn't seen much of Coloccini before he came here by the sounds of it. Watch the post-match interview on the bbc website in the manu-toon report. Skip forward to 2minutes and 7 seconds and listen on from there. mate...i dont want to get into any arguments. i saw the interview, and obviously noticed that part. i just responded to your "dont want to stir up trouble" comment at the beginning of your post. you obviously know this discussion is going to stir up trouble, so to speak, on the board, and we will get the usual paranoid brigade crawling out from under their rocks to undermine yesterday's result, and keegan, and the board etc..etc... i heard the comment, and hoped everyone would just ignore it
  14. correct. it was under instructions from KK, to get Zoggy on the ball to drive us forward. we kept possession quite well in that spell, and it was that spell that took the sting out of the game. i remember an instance when Guthrie wriggled away from 2 Man U players on the touch line and sent Zoggy through with a sublime outside of the foot pass
  15. correct glad you came to your senses
  16. mods ban him!! he's talking sense!!!!
  17. if free and interested, then it's a no brainer. we need bodies anyway
  18. I assume that's a piss-take? But still, not heard of Van Der Sar, Vidic, Brown, Evra, Ferdinand, Scholes, Giggs, Carrick and Rooney? I've been told a couple of them are canny players. assumption is the mother of all fuck ups
  19. esteban cambiasso would be my dream signing at the moment
  20. Thinking about Butt's performance... He made one or two mistakes, gave the ball away a couple of times, and looked a little out of his depth when we tried to move the ball forward...... however... When man utd had the ball, i thought he was an absolute beast!!! he chased and harried and made some fantastic tackles (bar the last minute foul). He gave his ex-team no respect whatsoever, unlike his previous meetings with them. Glad to see him get stuck in, and it feels as if he has actually developed an affinity for NUFC, and plays for the shirt with some pride. He may be lacking in some areas due to his age, but he is a fine example of a model professional footballer. His attitude could be the key to developing Danny Guthrie, who looks to have the whole lot in his locker, and is one for now and the future
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