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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. now that makes a lot more sense than the tripe coming out of TF and the mag
  2. Name me one, just one Newcastle fan who would take either Curbishley or O'Leary over Terim. I have no particular reason to want Terim myself, but at least he is not on my 'not in a million years' list. NE5
  3. Admirable intentions, but if you ask me they are a bunch of soft shite prima donnas seeking attention
  4. Unless they've walked. even so. they are the closest people to the players. i doubt they would walk and leave them hanging, unless they knew others are coming in. my opinion of course. also, i am sure with their contracts they would have to give some sort of notice before quitting.
  5. When the backroom team clears out, it usually means a new one is coming in to replace them. Hopefully we've sorted out a new manager so we can get back to the fucking football
  6. is Dennis wise themanupstairs? oi just because it happens that im a cockney chancer, don't mean i'm a 5 foot midget as well. bee-aive son
  7. I have every right to make a choice where and when I spend my money and I've made that choice, if it's petty then I can live with that. Keegan walking out isn't really the thing that's pushed me, it's the petty statement that our club have made which I know is as least partially lies so I have no reason to believe that more of it isn't just the same bullshit dressed up as fact. holy crap!!! Mick!!! have you been seduced by the dark side? seems like you're agreeing with NE5 these days I want the good old days back!!
  8. no other option for me. we're shooting ourselves in the foot if we don't go. the damage the previous regime heaped on us in its last few years was significantly more damaging than what's just happened, when you consider we went from a club in the CL with SBR at the helm, to a poxy mickey mouse club which we;ve been in the past few years. I don't recall any serious mass boycotts or protests. the best way to get your point across if you're wanting the board and ashley out would be to go to the match and protest there before and after the game. during the game we must be big enough to support our players and help them get the 3 points.
  9. Of course I am, our club has been littered with more Souness' than Keegans, he was our Fergie. Looking back, what he achieved was phenomenal Bob. I don't think any one else could have done what he did for us at the time and it is no coincidence that after he left, we struggled for years to move on and I fear history will repeat itself once more. Am I reading this right? Keegan was our Fergie? I know you're not comparing them as managers, because we all know Keegan can't touch Fergie in terms of quality. I understand you're comparing their respective impact on the 2 clubs. I've still got a problem with that. Fergie actually brought success and trophies to his club. In my eyes, as long as we cling on to Keegan and the memories, we won't be able to look further than 2nd place (15 pt lead blown no less).
  10. it's quite worrying the number of drama queens on this board. this mentality that they simply cannot move the f*** on and support the club regardless is probably one of the main elements holding us back as a club. there is no doubting how much we all love it. but for f***'s sake, get a grip and stop fixating on individuals. in supporting NUFC at least you all know we're always in for a roller coaster ride. get on board and enjoy it. and one day......one day....it'll be our turn and the world will be ours
  11. Ahhhh yes. But according to some, Shepherd shouldn't be blamed for his mistakes (e.g. the disastrous appointments of Souness, and Roeder, or the purchases of Kluivert and Luque).
  12. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing. Enlighten me, I didn't realise Woodgate and Modric had signed for Newcastle ? Or even a top 4 club ? I don't give a toss how Ashley made his money, he came into this club, knew nothing about football, and proceeded to prove it. Quite amazing that anybody can still not see this after recent events. This has been coming for months, as obvious as the nose on your face. Woodgate and Modric didn't sign for Newcastle, that's as obvious to me as the nose on my face, aye, i agree. not so obvious the rest of it. Fact is, Keegan mentioned Woodgate, Modric and even Nasri as players we have either bid for, or were looking at. Woodgate and Modric joined the Spurs "revolution", a London club playing in Europe, who's manager had just won 2 european trophies on the bounce. Nasri joined Arsenal. We tried to get them, but they chose not to come. How the fuck that is Ashley's fault I'll never know. What's as obvious as the nose on your face is that the club is still recovering from the bullshit it had endured in the last few years of Shepherd's reign. We were in so much "trouble" that most fans were delighted with the Messiah coming back, because we could all feel that the club needed "saving". Now let's give this lot a bit of time to signal their intentions and proceed with their plan. Fact is, whether you like it or not, Ashley owns the club, and will run it the way he wants to. In principle, he's already made a few positive changes which cannot be ignored. Yes he's also made a few mistakes, but who doesn't. How he recovers from these mistakes and builds on the positives, will determine whether or not he has failed us. As has been said, to suggest that a man who bought the club a year ago has "failed" us, or even ask it, is as deluded and pathetic an idea as they come.
  13. As deluded as it gets. this a sequel? is simon the fag in it?
  14. easy! by going into massive debts, punching way above your weight, in it up to your neck until your feet no longer touch the bottom. then you drown and fold.
  15. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing.
  16. I keep hearing on the radio/tv that a director of football can work on the continent, but never in England. No one seems to mention the reasoning behind that, but rather spew that phrase out like a stale and rotting cliche. Im not saying it can or cannot work. But anyone care to explain the reasoning behind it working on the continent but not in the premier league?
  17. This is the bunch of cronies who negotiatied the £12m fee for Milner yes? What a bunch of wasters... Yes but these wasters replaced Milner (one of our hardest-working players) with what? Our club might be 12m richer but our squad is seriously depleted. BTW I would have taken 10m for Milner IF we had a decent replacement lined up. We did bring in 6 players this summer as well as selling, including IMO the most important, a striker who can play when Viduka has his feet up. I would agree though, that the squad is still not strong enough - even if it might turn out to be better than some are giving it credit for. That's correct. It's easy to forget that we've managed to get rid of some serious dross with our outgoing transfers (Ramage, Baba, Carr, Emre, Roz), who have been replaced with players who - so far- look like actual footballers. Jonas Guthrie Coloccini Bassong Xisco Nacho IYAM the outlay has been reasonable, and the fee we got for Milner was way too good to turn down. Our summer business could have been better, but was not all that bad by any stretch. What we need now is for the entire squad of players to pull together, rally around Keegan, the fans and the club, and play for the shirt. Any shortage in playing staff at any point or another can be covered by the one or two youngsters who are closest to being ready for the first team. This IMO is also a good thing, as its pointless to have these young players around the place, without having the opportunity to test them in the big time once in a while. Do people forget who Man U had to rely on in our opening game to cover for their injuries? Campbell, Possebon, Rafael? We're not in as bad a position as some will have you believe.
  18. hmmmm....i don't see it that way i think how this Keegan situation is resolved will tell us a lot about Mike Ashley. If he shows that he is learning from his mistakes, and willing to rectify them - and let's face it, we all knew he was never a football man - then it's a great sign, and it counts as a positive thing. If however he does not learn from mistakes, and does not take steps to correct his position (as one Freddy Shepherd miserably failed to do), then he will also be deemed unfit to run this club. the events of the next few days will tell us a lot about Mike Ashley. A lot more than this entire past year has told us.
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