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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. nailed and the sad thing is, there are STILL people who can't see it. How sad. it's so sad. i still can't see it
  2. "Sky Sports and David Craig believe wholeheartedly that Alan Oliver (top newcastle fan and prize winning sports writer) knows for a fact that Paul Ince is being handed the task of steadying the fast sinking ship that is Newcastle United while club owner downs pints, pisses in the river Tyne and eats Geordie children" hmmm...i'd say that's worse
  3. i see your argument, and i raise you asprilla, ginola, albert, hottiger, srnicek and peter beardsley in regards to Ginola, he was France`s player of the year that year and was quite well known from playing in the Champions League/European Cup that time with the likes of George Weah, Rai, Le Guen and co for PSG. On top of that he was in the headlines alot that year after being made scapegoat for France not qualifying for the world cup. I don`t think he was as unknown as many people are led to believe Yes, but we're not talking about unknowns here are we? the thread title brings up the issue of nationality.
  4. erm........ the club has to be successful to be profitable, no? and, how does this make newcastle different to any other club? Im sure the owners of the top 4 are doing it for the love of the region and the fans? erm no actually. The club is currently being run at a profit yet we've had no sign of success for years. That is down to astute dealings in the transfer market and a loyal fan base who continue to put money into the club. The communication between other boards and their fans is infinitely better than what we are subjected to here because most sensible Chairman, MD's, Directors of football clubs appreciate the importance and the value of communicating with their stakeholders. The proposed boycott of matches, the club shop etc. will put a big dent in the club's finances if it goes ahead and i believe it could've been avoided if the club's Directors had actually communicated with us via an interview, press conference or question and answer session, which highlights the importance of good communication.
  5. What do you mean dare you say it not even Shearer? Shearer will never be as loved as Keegan is. Might just be different generations, but Shearer means more to me than Keegan. Get out of town. I can't believe you're questioning that TBH. If you are 20 or under then at best you have a vague memory of 1 or 2 seasons under Keegan, but you spent the whole of your formative teenage years cheering on Shearer. Of course for a lot of fans Shearer is more loved than Keegan. And importantly that applies to younger players too. *BTW I have no idea how old heza09 is, just voicing my opinion I'm 18 mate. Thing is Shearer is our record goalscorer at the club, and in the Premiership. I don't see how it was such a stupid thign to say no matter what age I am....? Ah, as I said then, you probably only have a very vague memory of Keegan first time around. And I agree, it was a perfectly reasonable thing to say. We are in quite a unique situation having two genuine local legends in recent times. (arguably 3 if you include SBR) Is Bearsley not a legend? Gazza?
  6. i see your argument, and i raise you asprilla, ginola, albert, hottiger, srnicek and peter beardsley Those were pretty well known players as well though, with the exception of Hottiger possibly. I take your point though, obviously that does disprove the nationality theory. Didn't Hottiger have a strong world cup in 94? I remember thinking who? when Albert signed though! he had the better world cup in 94 iirc. scored twice in one match if im not mistaken edit: im on about Albert
  7. i see your argument, and i raise you asprilla, ginola, albert, hottiger, srnicek and peter beardsley
  8. regardless of what some might think of him as a manager, but imo he was the most dignified of the lot mentioned on that list bullshit wow!! enlightenment!! i have seen the light! thanks, i've changed my mind. i disagree with what i said now and think i'm a twatmong
  9. regardless of what some might think of him as a manager, but imo he was the most dignified of the lot mentioned on that list
  10. is it too much to ask people to think before they type such shit? maybe it is if you can't think in the first place
  11. it amazes me how people use "fat" as an adjective-stick to beat Ashley with! i bet at least one person among each of your families, close friends, relatives, in-laws, and good people around the world that you know is "fat". imo it shows that the mongs are lashing out for the sake of it, and have blown things way out of proportion. like "fat" proportions.
  12. they will you should change your username to mysticmag
  13. Absolutely. I wonder what the atmosphere would be like if we put 3 or 4 past them. Conversely I wonder what it would be like if they do that to us.
  14. ffs man!! sing your heart out for the team! that as well! I have a feeling Ashley will be there. I hope so. But i doubt it
  15. no disrespect like kane....but more bullshit. shit like the above, and the statement by TF, not to mention the mong banners outside the stadium are only helping to make this club less stable.
  16. ffs man!! sing your heart out for the team!
  17. i won't to be honest. for some reason, i never really took any notice of him when KK was in charge first time round, and his image on the sidelines reminds me of that game away to villa, the first game after KK resigned the first time. it was a sad day. thanks for whatever it is that you did terry mac....see ya around
  18. Cannot help myself, but can't understand that blind loyalty at all. Supporting the players? Do you think they support Mikey. People argued the same way, after the appointment of Souness and Fat Sam... Did it help? No. So you would rather put a further dent in the players' confidence, make the Hull match conditions even more difficult, hence risk losing the 3 points, and possibly more if we go on a bad run, just so you can let big ol' bad Mikey know that ur upset with him? I think Ashley already knows how the fans feel. Going to the game, Hull or any other for that matter, is purely to support that which is the most important thing in all of this, Newcastle United.
  19. when do you turn 14? Come on, you are the guy who laughs about the most childish jokes on here... :-) If I had to bet on the youngest forum member, my money would be on you! put your money on it then. go on
  20. then you admit employing Keegan was a mistake?
  21. when do you turn 14? wind your neck in, softarse. in three years' time then
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