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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Spain up to their usual tricks in a friendly vs a really bad team. 0-0 HT, they'll win 2-0 or so.
  2. Neil

    The England Thread

    That whole passage of play was laughably bad.
  3. Neil

    The England Thread

    Think that shot ended up in Georgia.
  4. Neil

    The England Thread

    More incredible quality from Johnson. Picking up where he left off.
  5. Neil

    The England Thread

    It's depressing because of what it symbolises. We'd rather play a workhorse over an outstanding footballing talent.
  6. Lovely goal from the Argies there.
  7. Mike v Kaka Deuce v Baba N-O Yanks v Team Shola Can't wait.
  8. Serves them right playing at a driving range.
  9. Ivanisevic I'd go for.
  10. Neil

    The England Thread

    I'm pretty sure you know why it'd be a dick thing to do. They know fine well it'll provoke a lot of people.
  11. Neil

    The England Thread

    Refuse to believe that's actually real. Spreading a fake image though is still publicity, and for it then to be confirmed it's not true would almost make PP seem like good guys.
  12. Gazza's yellow card was such a clear booking in hindsight.
  13. Dunno why I'm subjecting myself to 2 hours of Motson on this WC1990 semi final rerun. His voice is a long-term constant source of infuriation. Shut up, John. Shut the fuck up.
  14. Chaucer last I think. Nice.
  15. No surprise there really.
  16. My initial thoughts of Ronaldo and Ribery have gone completely out the window in terms of top scorers. Agree with you.
  17. Neil

    The England Thread

    I was assuming it's not real like. Yet somehow wouldn't be surprised if it was.
  18. Neil

    The England Thread

    Should get an idea of who's starting vs Italy. You'd imagine Woy would start as close a team as possible to that. Fully expecting one of, if not both, Welbeck and Milner.
  19. Neil

    The England Thread

    You wish I do. Then I realise we don't have anyone else.
  20. I've got Chaucer as well. Forum bet? Australia will probably win like.
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