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Everything posted by Neil

  1. He's lucky to be in the Everton job ffs. We're underperforming massively. This is the type of opinion were often accused of having, one day your going to get JFK as manager then you will beg Moyes to come back. I know - being unhappy with 12th place with this squad is outrageous. I've praised Moyes countless times but his limitations are becoming increasingly prevalent. At times it feels like our financial situation isn't holding him back as much as he's holding us back. He's a good manager and he's done very well with us, but it's starting to get stale.
  2. Good thing you didn't see the first.
  3. Christ, that's bad. Fwiw, since when was it a hugely important game? My perception is, sure, it's a game between 2 good teams, with the visitors probably the champions-elect but I didn't see any massive significance to any result from it today. Was everyone hoping for a Spurs win so they could be catapulted into the title race that they're not in?
  4. Agree, massively. Shocking comment, but in line with Pearce's growing sense of self-importance. You're a football commentator man, say what you see. This is not Robot Wars. But oh, how I wish it was. Sir Killalot tapping in from 6 yards.
  5. It was high on ENERGY and COMMITMENT.
  6. the night we spanked West Ham 5 nowt they started with the already televised 0-0 between Arsenal and Man City. Because they cater to the notion that people are more interested in the so-called bigger and better clubs. I can't see it changing anytime soon, the ordering of MOTD highlights is usually subject to much debate and backhanded humour but for the foreseeable future, if Man Utd/Chelsea/Arsenal have played, then regardless of the result, 9 times out of 10, they'll be shown before the likes of Newcastle and Everton.
  7. Go on then, why is this game on before the Brum derby? I assume you mean Brazil 1970 vs. UNITED? Well it's Spurs and UNITED, silly.
  8. They probably started at Liverpool vs. Everton because it, er, had the most goals? Actually quite surprised they didnt begin with Spurs 0-0 Man Utd.
  9. Idiot. I don't get it. The guy has got a vendetta against Carroll. Thinks he's some kind of lower league plodder, grouping him with D.J f'ing Campbell. It's fair to say very few could have predicted both would do so well this year, so I don't see much wrong with it. There isn't really much of a comparison, like.
  10. Ancelotti does like a good moment or 2.
  11. The BBC commentator was praising WBA-Blackpool as a fantastic game of football. But no, routine Arsenal win it is.
  12. "When your luck's not going for you...." Err, it was bloody shite finishing.
  13. Those odds aren't great value, but they of course look good after the teams win.
  14. My first reaction to that was, "Eh? They've put him sitting on the MOTD sofa, in the intro?"
  15. Based on? absolutely fuck all. fact i doubt neesy will ever answer you He did, and he's right IMO. It's all subjective of course but he seems to have acted with a great deal of dignity and kept his head low despite seemingly being treated like shit.
  16. Woodgate's for Real was fairly impressive.
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