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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Eh? What's Wenger doing admitting they made mistakes and saying Wigan came back well and were sharp enough to take advantage of it? Just say you didn't see the last 10 minutes.
  2. Ah, good to hear the "Villa haven't spent much" line wheeled out. I was under the impression MON's had plenty to spend?
  3. Villa unchanged: music to brummie's ears, no doubt.
  4. What was Wenger's excuse this time?
  5. It's times like this I wish I had an online account. Well spotted Spence.
  6. Aye that's true Teasy - I fully accept some may not be pleased because in their eyes he made the wrong move, but I don't understand this feeling of bitterness towards him; is this a common feeling amongst supporters with that transfer?
  7. Yeah you're right, all the best to the lad, hope he goes on to bigger and better things as he obviously chose the biggest club. Fuck off!!! He's hardly even started a game for them so to me the better choice, career wise, would have been to join us. Well I just said they're not the bigger club. If it was indeed his choice (and I don't know for sure what part the managing of the deal played in making his mind up - were you dithering on the fee/wages?) then he chose the Premier League club - what's so offensive about that?
  8. If we are led to believe it was his choice alone between you and Wigan, then I can see why you'd be disappointed not to get him because there's no doubt IMO you're a bigger club than them, but the facts were, they're in the Premier League and you weren't. To hold bitterness towards him like Magpie is frankly pathetic in my view, it's not like he's took a dump in SJP's centre circle.
  9. Fabianski literally throws away any chance Arsenal had in the title race.
  10. Damn him for signing for a Premier League club, bloody hell.
  11. How refreshing it is to see, as well, close title races in all the European leagues. England, Spain, Germany and Italy all pretty tight and France isn't decided either.
  12. I'd want the 'easiest' game possible to get the first win at the earliest stage to get off to a good start. Wanting a hard game as your first one is a totally baffling wish IMO.
  13. Our last 3 games must have been brilliant for the neutral - thrown away the lead twice in each of the past 3 games, but yesterday thankfully we got the winner. After what I said about the Yak, he comes on and scores the 2nd and sets up the winner with a lovely bit of play - why can't he play like that more often?
  14. Has it been any better than those last 10 minutes of the half?
  15. Quick question: grandad's brother's grandson: what's that relation? I'm considering ITKing it up.
  16. Go Alnwick!!! Ben still at Spurs or on loan somewhere?
  17. Agreed with Messi here, wouldn't touch Fulham with said barge pole. Also would be slightly more cautious before automatically betting against Portsmouth (although I haven't checked their fixtures apart from them coming to GP on the last day).
  18. Doesn't strike me as good value, that. Could easily see it finishing 1-0 to Millwall.
  19. Neil

    PFA Awards

    Ryan Giggs - he's a model professional.
  20. Howay Madrid (for the time being).
  21. I hasten to ask in case brummie flies off one, but do Birmingham genuinely have a decent amount to spend, or is it all somewhat foggy and "complicated" and therefore they won't be splashing out?
  22. Yes. Next season you'll have many other priorities before you get to the goalkeeping position.
  23. I reckon Nolan could easily pop up with 8, 9, even 10 goals next season. Whether he offers anything else worth speaking of is questionable.
  24. Neil


    Has Hall played much? As back-up, as I say, perhaps. It will be interesting to see how Williamson copes - he's put in some good performances in this league but will he make the step up with no previous PL experience? Let's hope so.
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