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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Eeeehhhhh, maracana! A-haiiiii!
  2. You think Moyes will go for Moutinho this summer? Think he could make a hell of a partnership with Arteta. Went for him last summer. It went like this: Us: "Here's £12m" Them: "Nah, we want £18m" Us: "Here's £13m" Them: "Nah, we want £18m" Us: "Hmm, ok. Here's £13.5m" Them: "You're not very good at this are you?" Us: "Here's £12m" Several days later: "Holy shit we've got no midfield, here's £15m for Fellani" Oy, our transfer policy can't be bettered.
  3. For the record, I'm not sure whether he'd settle in England. Reservations whether someone who's played in the Portugese league (impressive for about 18-24 months, at a guess?) can suddenly make it for a side who should be challenging the top 4. Wouldn't complain if we had him like!
  4. You think Moyes will go for Moutinho this summer? Think he could make a hell of a partnership with Arteta. Went for him last summer. It went like this: Us: "Here's £12m" Them: "Nah, we want £18m" Us: "Here's £13m" Them: "Nah, we want £18m" Us: "Hmm, ok. Here's £13.5m" Them: "You're not very good at this are you?" Us: "Here's £12m"
  5. Would be very surprised if Veloso and Moutinho are both at Sporting come the start of the season.
  6. So, have we got 11 v 11 in terms of people confirmed? 没有该死的机会
  7. So Sweden will have an amazing team because they scored 3 goals. Right.
  8. Sunderland need Newcastle. Do Newcastle need Sunderland?
  9. Which is just a mild form of what I had said. I have never known such spite and glorying in the misfortune of a club (and yes, fans) NOT your local rivals. Everton were by far the worst. They even sang songs against us in their last game away for God's sake. I gather one or two others did it, and you had to listen to the likes of 606 and Talk Spurts phone-ins to believe the attitudes against us. I do believe it's what has happened because of a concerted attempt by the national rags against us over the years, which I believe started when Shearer signed for us and not their beloved Man U. That really is an embarrassing belief. The media spout shit about every club. Newcastle are a big team, and to see them in the situation they're in will garner widespread media interest, more so than usual. However, 'a concerted attempt against us'? Grow up man.
  10. I think he'd be ideal for someone like Stoke. Feeding off random deflections and bobbles in the area.
  11. For most Championship clubs that would be true. Most of them don't have a massive stadium, massive fan base and state of the art facilities. Fancy a side bet on the eventual selling price? Only if we include the debt in the price Like I said 100m with Ashley's loan removed is an acceptable price IMO. But obviously nobody's going to pay 100m and 100m+ loan to Ashley. I'd love to hear the actual basis for your valuation? Walk me through the numbers? Based on a decreased revenue from £100m to £55m and a Premiership valuation of between £200m to £250m and the fact he's not going to accept much less then £100m for a club he's effectively paid nearly £250m for. The fact that four consortiums are interested at £100 million means in itself that the club hasn't been overvalued. As with all assets, the price depends on the level of demand and the perceived resale value down the line. All highly artificial. That doesn't mean they will pay £100m, they have only said they are interested and any offer will be subject to due diligence. I agree that the level of demand or competitve tension will impact on value and the perceived resale value but I'd like to hear how people are coming up with their valuations which have no actual basis at present other than Mike Ashley paid £x for it and Mike Ashley wants £x for it - that doesn't mean it's worth that. The thing is that there is no real valuation model for a football club. A lot of them are loss making, have negative net worth and would be insolvent if not for the owner propping them up. So you can't apply things like PE ratios or balance sheet valuations, they just don't work. A lot depends on the buyer's motives. If the buyer is looking at it in some sort of business context then all he can do is look at what's there and make a judgement call on it. A buyer has to assume that he is going to find a way to get it back into the Premiership, he has to factor in that the club will need quite a bit of further funding to get there. He also has to look at the assets the club has - stadium, training ground etc are all fit for purpose for a very high level of football indeed, so no further investment is needed there. And then you would have to form a view of what it might be worth if you succeed. On the other hand if the buyer is a billionaire looking for some fun (been there before I think) then the valuation becomes even more random. I agree with a lot of that, but disagree that you form a valuation based on what you could do - that is a classic situation where you are giving the Vendor value for something you are intending to do, which I would strongly advise against. But then again, if the buyer really wants it, if the Vendor is in a strong position and there is a competitive situation, that value may be given. I do appreciate that certain valuation models don't fit a football club and probably was being a bit pedentic to get my point across, what will be more important as you say is the buyer motives and how also they are funding the transaction because if they require bank funding, valuation models will apply as to the ability of the business to service a level of debt, which granted while we were in the premiership was better but is now much more limited. Billionnaire buyers do tend to screw these things up of course and it does become totally random, but if I'm looking at it as an acquisition with my head, I wouldn't be valuing the business at £100m - others who have the cash may do and good luck to them, then again not many people make money out of football clubs. Understand your thinking on the valuation although I wasn't so much saying that you would give value for what you intend to do - more that you look at your percentage gain on the buying price assuming you succeed in reinstating the club into a high performing Premiership outfit again. Just on the point of the stadium, what is already in place at SJP is a substantial plus point. It is worth bearing in mind that if, for example, someone wanted to buy Everton and move it forward you obviously get a highly placed Premiership club but their stadium is from another era. You would have to include a substantial investment in your evaluation. I'm told that it would cost £40 million to turn Goodison into a 50,000 seater (and I don't know if that would include modernisation costs) and £150 million to build a completely new stadium. Without diverting the thread too much, our stadium issue is probably the main reason someone wouldn't invest. Goodison is ancient, and there's no chance of modernising it. As you may well have heard we're looking to move... but it's all got very complicated. At first the initial sum wouldn't be much... part of a project involving Tesco etc, but now I'd imagine the projected figures will be spiralling. Enquiries here there and everywhere as well. So yeah, I agree that the stadium would have to be a paramount part of anyone's financial evaluation.
  12. Correct. Badly done with utter pillocks at the helm from the start, and they got steadily worse ! It's the in-thing at the moment don't you know?
  13. £3.5m. Tbf, £3.5m was an insanely low price for him at the time. Was worth at least double that IMO.
  14. Neil

    New Away Strip

    That's slightly nicer.
  15. Well since Nixon got owned, the OP is lacking the usual quality of the past 2 matches. Certainly come along mate, I think I read stupeedo would be giving more info in the next day or 2. It's the Newcastle uni pitches... but again, I'm not exactly sure where that is.
  16. Daniel Pranjic gone to Bayern. If it hasn't already been posted.
  17. Neil

    New Away Strip

    It's good, apart from the yellow part. Not that I'm in a position to criticise your new kit!
  18. Michael Owen could be playing in the Premiership next year. If not, he'll be playing somewhere outside of England. My word the news really is remarkable nowadays.
  19. Bellamy injured Caicedo "for the future" / "shite" Robinho isn't really a striker Bojinov injured Vassell shite Jo fail Sturridge contract out Benjani shite Evans welsh
  20. Neil

    New Away Strip

    That's where it gets interesting. There is no back.
  21. I'd like to put my woodie in her interiors. I'd like to fuck them.
  22. i missed nixon getting banned, why does that amuse me so much? Coz it's usually hard to miss the sod.
  23. Fwiw, I'm expecting it to be Pompey. Maybe they weren't already taken over?
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