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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 hours ago, JumpersForGoalposts said:

    Fair point about the fingers in ears. Still disagree about him being an asset. A cursory look at Leicester forums show that they are clamouring to get him off their wage bill, with only a year left on his contract. 

    What he has or hasn't done for Leicester is irrelevant to us


    He was overall a decent player for us, especially considering how little we paid for him

  2. 16 hours ago, huss9 said:

    without Rafa there would have been no Howe.






    If a lot of reports are to be believed he is the one that first brought Staveley to the table, so even if people weren't keen on his playing style, how you can't adore the guy is beyond me



  3. Saying Rafa lowered the expectations is one of the most mental takes I've read


    The reason he didn't stick around was because the club was pointless. I still love his quote about us not being a stepping stone, sadly it's not something Ashley remotely supported him with 

  4. 2 hours ago, elbee909 said:

    As always these days, it'll come down to the player - if one wants to go, they'll end up going. 

    Kane wanted to go last summer 


    I do reckon if he continues like this then in the summer there will be an improved contracted agreed with an additional year so everyone is happy 


  5. 7 hours ago, Skeletor said:


    Will never understand those who try to re-write one of our bad managers' histories. Dalglish, Gullitt, Souness, Kinnear, Pardew, Schteve and Bruce can all get in the bin.

    I can't bring myself to dislike Gullitt, granted he was shite for us but walking away without a pay off gets him a lot of credit in my eyes 

  6. 1 hour ago, TRon said:


    Nah mate, he was the one who took the low ground with the blood money jibe. If you go down that route then expect to be called out on it. That's not friendly rivalry any more.

    I thought that was quite clearly a joke


    I mean, what with Man-U having Saudi Telecom as a long standing commercial partner, it would be a ridiculous jibe if serious 

  7. 5 minutes ago, tomlynnherrington said:

    I had a quick check and it said Geordies were working in Hanwell when they formed Ebbsfleet.

    Ebbsfleet is the other side of London to Hanwell


    It was Geordies that formed Hanwell Town

  8. 15 hours ago, tomlynnherrington said:

    Ebbsfleet United are now detested by the mackems.They’ve just found out,as I have to be honest,that they’re known as The Geordies because they were formed in 1920 by Geordies who were working in the area.By this time tomorrow,mackems will have formed them.




    Wasn't aware of that about Ebbsfleet United, you sure you don't mean Hanwell Town?


  9. 8 hours ago, Nolberto Disco said:

    Fraser never went on strike. Given his position, I respect his call - especially how his relationship remained in tact with Howe.


    Honestly, no contract from Bournemouth, and the Covid situation at the time; I would have never played for Bournemouth again. The risk is too high, within seconds he could have a leg snapped.


    You tell me what you'd do given that situation - risk losing losing millions when you needn't bother, or hold out for a new contract.  


    Clinton Morrison hung out the back Bruce's daughter. His solution was to sell his top goalscorer. I'll still value Ritchie, Fraser and Wilson all the while Howe is here.


    This is my stance on the situation, that he didn't have to continue playing and doing so whilst admirable would have been risky but the Bournemouth fan earlier suggested that wasn't the primary issue, apparently he admitted he didn't try during that season


    If indeed that is the case then that is scumbag behaviour from Fraser and I totally understand why they don't like him

  10. 8 minutes ago, jackyboy said:

    From where we were when Amanda took over it will take several years to build us up to be able to really compete with the top boys. We have taken giant steps since Eddie came in and brought in some good players. A lot of fans are whinging about why we didn't buy this one and that one but they don't seem to consider that the players we would like might not be available or their clubs prefer not to sell to us. When we get ASM, Wilson and Shelvey back we should be quite a threat

    Aye plus it was never going to be something that's solved in 1 or 2 windows 


    I look at the Jan/Summer windows as one really, if we weren't in such a dire situation I don't think we would have done much in January


    The defence has largely been addressed, even managed to add a couple of players in attacking positions. 


    Now the next few windows (not convinced we'll do a lot in Jan) will be about investing in the attack, so we aren't in a situation where an ASM injury can render us toothless.


    People just need to show some patience.

  11. 1 minute ago, NUFCDoog said:

    Reading have had a decent season so far as well so annoyingly this is a reallt good performance and win for the Mackems, said it since the start of the season and stand by it - these will unfortunately be in the play offs at least come the end of the season and may well go up.


    This time last year I was worried they'll go up and we'll be going down, then expected them to beat us twice however since the takeover what they do doesn't bother me


    If they lose then obviously it's funny but I'm no longer concerned as we are and will be operating at a different level to them 

  12. 1 minute ago, Kanji said:

    What if this 200m all star kitty fed the homeless? Or supported building community centers to help underprivileged? What if this happened after the season ended and it was just a a very fun and light event at that? Place for kids and such to see their heros?  


    Why does this always have to be so dramatic? Every suggestion met with such vitriol “you Americans don’t know anything about us!”

    it’s a suggestion the silly weirdo made on some panel at some conference. Ain’t ever happening anyway! 


    Let's be honest, they won't be feeding the homeless or help lower league clubs, they'll want it all for themselves. Their is no end up their greed (Btw, not referring to just American owners here)


    I do like the general idea of a North-South game but not sure it's feasible due to clubs unlikely to want it to happen (certainly not for the better players at least) and with it not being competitive the intensity won't be there, which will then make it boring. 


    For anyone that follows them, what are the all star games like in NBA/NFL? (Assuming they have them of course)

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