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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 minutes ago, Numbers said:

    If he was injured Midweek Howe would have mentioned it in his pre game press conference?

    NUFC twitter just said injury was midweek 


    A lot of us said it at the time, bringing him on was silly and thus it's proven to be.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Holloway said:

    Fair, but they made hard work of this victory. 

    Where do you fancy them to finish ? I reckon 6-8th

     I reckon they finish top 4, they just missed out last year and so far they are already winnings games that they probably would have lose/drew last season


    At whose expense? Not sure at this moment

  3. 6 minutes ago, Emotic said:

    Those half time analysis videos clearly showing McDominate hiding from the ball again. Really hope we aren't seriously in for him.

    He really loves to hide, against Southampton too, he's a coward


    I trust Howe/owners but if we signed someone like him I'd seriously question their judgement 

  4. 30 minutes ago, 54 said:



    Might just be me but there's something about watching countrymen meet up that I think is proper class. Also noticed Howe says to Isak about Krafth "He speaks so well of you". 

  5. Have we had Potter in Peace on RTG yet? 


    Who will no doubt tell them he's shocked that Neil is leaving such a mammoth club with the classiest fans in the world, that he expects Neil to flop as he'll struggle with their squad as they aren't massive lads

  6. Get in, brilliant signing. A real sign of intent. I know we managed to get Bruno in January but I felt such moves were maybe a year or two away


    If we can add 1-2 more before the window closes that would be delightful

  7. 2 hours ago, Dokko said:


    If we sign Isak then they were right, this isn't what I thought it would be. No way I thought we would be forking out £60m on one of Europe's hottest young strikers whilst sensibly filling holes in the 1st team by the 2nd window. No way did I think we'd spend £200m in 2022 on players, and no way did I think we'd be already creating a winning team which is immensely privileged to support. God job they were right like. 



    Agreed, this is beyond my wildest dreams 


    Seeing them perform mental gymnastics to try and piss on it makes it funnier 

  8. 2 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    It’s funny as fuck seeing their daily meltdowns on that forum. Switching from ‘not what they think it is’ to ‘FFP’ is glorious to see. Suck it up you inbred fucks, this is just the start.

    That's a good point, apparently Staveley had mugged us all off as we kept buying Burnley rejects and the takeover wasn't what we think 


    This signing just ruins all that 


    Now, once FFP is dealt with they'll obviously cling onto something else 

  9. McTominay has some canny attributes, think he's technically decent, can tackle, is fairly strong but the problem with him is he's an absolute coward


    He loves to pass backwards but mostly he hides, whenever I've watched him play he takes up the space which removes him as a passing option


    It would be a shit signing

  10. I doubt it's something we would ordinarily want to do but I reckon he's pushed for it and we know how big Howe is on the dressing room being sound, him being upset about losing his spot to Pope is probably a distraction.


    Going to Man-U I get, he's likely to earn more money, probably be there Europa League and Cup keeper and it is a bigger club (for now). He's been excellent value for us and if the move happens we thank him for his time with us but I can't stand Man-U so I don't wish him well from a football perspective

  11. 9 minutes ago, jack j said:

    The plane shaggers missed these lads  pissing off abroad


    Must have went via an easyjet to alicante

    Would be nice if they brought Merino back whilst they are there 

  12. Just now, Scoot said:

    Local journos currently scrambling around to rubbish this...

    Surprisingly Luke has not rubbished it


    He has however quoted an article he wrote back in July about us being interested in him

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