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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. He was unbelievable today, so good and did it against the best team in the league. 


    A lot of the criticism aimed at him was quite frankly embarrassing, people talking about getting rid and such nonsense 


    I'm glad Howe is the manager right now because you know getting rid was not on his mind, rather he's worked on how to help ASM to get even more out of him


    I bloody love him and hope he's here for a long time 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    No, I am just highlighting their hypocrisy and duplicity.


    They simply do not give a fuck about what's going on in Saudi Arabia. Their whole agenda is based on the fact that NUFC are, in theory, awash with money and are seemingly on their way to becoming an elite club.

    This is the point, they don't give a shit about Yemen (it's really about us) and highlighting the Abu Dhabi investment and them ignoring it proves that



  3. 2 hours ago, Scoot said:

    Please someone post all those on rtg!


    Be funny as fuck watching them think of reasons as to why this is fine!

    They'll bury their heads and will partake in mental gymnastics to justify it


    Guarantee they'll say the difference is that they didn't welcome them with open arms, conveniently ignoring that all that money is still involved in Yemen, the very Yemen they seemingly care so much about


    They reckon if the roles were reversed they would protest and walk away from their club but the fact there isn't even a murmur about the Abu Dhabi investment speaks volumes

  4. 2 hours ago, Geogaddi said:

    City are always most vulnerable at the start of the season then they normally win about 20 games in a row , atmosphere should be electric , could potentially sneak a point at best.

    I would normally think that but they've looked so good and solid in their opening two games I'm not sure we'll get a flat City 


    I don't see us getting anything from this game, think we'll lose 3-0

  5. 1 minute ago, KaKa said:


    If they missed the foul they missed the foul. Get back and help your team and stop bitching. Serves them right. Hate that nonsense.

    I agree it's not the reason they conceded, a lot passed since then but they have every right to be angry, blatant foul

  6. 4 hours ago, alexf said:

    And people gave Ronaldo a hard time for seeing the writing on the wall and wanting out. Even if he's 38 a player like him doesn't deserve to be playing with this mess of a team ?

    Why should he be absolved of this? He's part of the problem


    Deciding well into preseason that he wanted to leave was a bellend move


    Plus he lost the ball and pretended to be hurt for the first goal (yeah I know, De Gea error really)

  7. 13 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    There was a link on here a few months ago, for their thread just before/when the takeover happened. The very 'bastions' of decency were saying fuck all about their new found crusade then (or for that matter, especially when the takeover was first blocked). Their faux outrage only set in when reality hit them bang smack in the face.


    The daily magic roundabout faux outrage ride keeps rolling on.

    Aye, they didn't give a shit about Yemen or any of the other issues they raised and you can guarantee if PIF decided to sell up and walk away, they'd stop giving a shit again


    The thread when PIF initially "pulled out" of the deal was met with laughter and mockery

  8. 1 minute ago, Nine said:

    Sky Sports News senior reporter Melissa Reddy:

    "A lot of people who know Aubameyang would say they have nothing negative to say about how he conducts himself, just that he can be a little bit tardy, not that he's disruptive on purpose or tries to bend the rules.

    Did she just call him a retard? :lol:

    Nope, she means he can be late (which he often was at Arsenal)

  9. 8 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    Does he have to turn it into an attack on another player? I'm not clicking on the bait so I acknowledge the content might not match the title.

    The content doesn't quite match the title, he actually praises Shelvey for aspects of his passing but highlights the limitations, which is where Bruno has shone

  10. Just now, PlymouthGeordie said:

    Ryder reckons we're planning on going back in for Gordon if we can't get Maddison.


    Although I like Gordon as a player, think he has something about him that's a canny drop in levels, plus they play in different positions (though Howe has already addressed that by saying if we can strengthen elsewhere we will)

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