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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 1 minute ago, HawK said:


    Not sure about the last sentence, some of the players that have moved through our doors in the Ashley era, under Graham Carr in particular, have been frankly very good, or gone on to be very good. Cabaye, Tiote, Ba, Thauvin*, Debuchy, Enrique, Wijnaldum*, Sissoko* are the some that come to mind, I'm sure there's others that I've missed. Those starred obviously had quality but never showed it here for whatever reason among many at the time.


    I would say in the past few years the quality of incoming transfer has rapidly declined, coinciding with the loss of Carr as our chief scout. I think we'd do a lot worse than just re-approaching him to be honest.


    The names you mention are from 5+ years ago, I should have been more specific in that I'm talking about the second relegation onwards


    The contract extension for the likes of Clark, Gayle despite clearly not being of the level we need shows it was about saving money


    Carr clearly identified some good players, him with a bigger budget would be interesting but he is 77 so not sure if he's capable of doing the same level of work 


  2. Clark like quite a few others were signed with the objective of getting us promoted, we always thought the plan was to then start building a solid Premier League squad, not immediately but over time


    Yet here we are 9 windows later and we still have Clark, Lascelles, Ritchie, Gayle, Hayden etc and to compound things we've added Krafth, Manquillo, Hendrick to that list


    Clark and the others represent the Ashley ownership, it's all about doing things on the cheap




  3. Reading about him, seems like he was influential in making sure that at England all age group teams work in unison, that is something I would love for us to have here. That joined up thinking is key for the future, if we are to start developing our own players then that path into the first team needs to be seamless

  4. 1 hour ago, Raconteur said:

    They've just spent years (and 350m) acquiring the club. They might well have planned to spend modestly in January, but the future of the club is on the line - they're going to spend in order to protect their investment.


    As for attracting players, if you listen to rumourmongers, Trippier and Lindgard are as good as signed. The new executive mentioned three players they certainly want, with another two or three if necessary. It becomes more apparent every week that those extra two or three are pretty fucking necessary.

    They will have known relegation is a possibility especially considering the situation we were in when they took over


    It wouldn't surprise me if they took a conservative approach and planned it around the very strong possibility that we go down but get signings in now that we can sell the idea of maybe a year in The Championship (so maybe Tarkowski, Nketiah etc)

  5. 9 hours ago, nortoon said:

    He just doesnt give a shit about the opponent either. He absolutely trucked into De Bruyne by our corner flag and won the ball. Bossed Rodri to the point he just gave up and started complaining to the ref.  :2funny:


    I like that side of him, we talk about how too many of our players are nice and very timid, he is not like that, he's always letting the officials know what he thinks and he is aggressive with the opposition players


    Unfortunately being passive and nice just doesn't cut it in this league and our players need to toughen up

  6. 7 minutes ago, Numbers said:

    Hold on, so if theres a corner and someone is wiped out off the ball, is that not a penalty now because they're not in control of the ball at the time?


    They're not accountable to anyone thats the problem, they can literally do what the fuck they like.






    The reasoning they gave made no sense


    Ronaldo got a penalty against Norwich and he was nowhere near the ball

  7. 1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:

    City are going to walk the title 


    I think Liverpool will win it, games like today are a demonstration of that


    They've conceded the better chances by a mile, should easily have conceded 4 or 5 yet they are winning 2-1 and about to take all 3 points

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